RouteHelper class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
addJams (PolylineMapObject polyline , DrivingRoute route )
→ void
Add jams from provided route as stroke colors Behaviour is undefined
if route.geometry does not equals polyline.geometry.
addManeuvers (PolylineMapObject polyline , DrivingRoute route )
→ void
Add maneuvers from provided route as arrows Behaviour is undefined if
route.geometry does not equals polyline.geometry.
applyJamStyle (PolylineMapObject polyline , JamStyle style )
→ void
Applies the traffic jam style. Updates colors for traffic jam types
provided in the style parameter.
applyManeuverStyle (PolylineMapObject polyline , ManeuverStyle style )
→ void
Applies a maneuver style. This method should be called every time
after updatePolyline with updateGeometry == true occurs; otherwise,
the default maneuver style is applied.
createDefaultJamStyle ()
→ JamStyle
Creates a default traffic style. Default values: colors : Blocked :
0x000000ff, Free : 0x00ff00ff, Hard : 0xff0000ff, Light :
0xffff00ff, Unknown : 0x909090ff, VeryHard : 0xa00000ff
createDefaultManeuverStyle ()
→ ManeuverStyle
Creates a default maneuver style.
createDisabledJamStyle ()
→ JamStyle
Creates a disabled traffic jams style. Colors : Blocked :
0x909090ff, Free : 0x909090ff, Hard : 0x909090ff, Light :
0x909090ff, Unknown : 0x909090ff, VeryHard : 0x909090ff
updatePolyline (PolylineMapObject polyline , DrivingRoute route , JamStyle style , {required bool updateGeometry })
→ void
Sets a new geometry and colors for a polyline. If style.enabled =
false, the polyline is drawn using the color for the Unknown traffic
jam type. If updateGeometry = false, but route geometry differs from
polyline geometry, then behaviour is undefined.
mappable_maps_navikit 4.10.0-beta