addGeoJsonSource method

Future<void> addGeoJsonSource(
  1. String sourceId,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> geojson, {
  3. String? promoteId,

Adds a new geojson source

The json in geojson has to comply with the schema for FeatureCollection as specified in

promoteId can be used on web to promote an id from properties to be the id of the feature. This is useful because by default mapbox-gl-js does not support string ids

The returned Future completes after the change has been made on the platform side.


Future<void> addGeoJsonSource(String sourceId, Map<String, dynamic> geojson,
    {String? promoteId}) async {
  await _mapboxGlPlatform.addGeoJsonSource(sourceId, geojson,
      promoteId: promoteId);