getMapImage method

String getMapImage(
  1. double centerLatitude,
  2. double centerLongitude, {
  3. List<List<double>>? markers,
  4. int width = 800,
  5. int height = 480,
  6. int zoom = 16,
  7. bool ssf = true,


String getMapImage(
  //[Required Parameter] a WGS-84 position coordinate that specifies the centre of the image requested.

  double centerLatitude,
  double centerLongitude,

  // [Optional Parameter]
  //optional markers that you may want to add to the map tile.  default Value [centerLatitude,centerLongitude]
  List<List<double>>? markers,
  // The size of the image requested in pixels as <Width>x<Height>.
  int width = 800,
  int height = 480,

  // The zoom level for which the image is requested. Ranges from 4 to 18 with 18 being the highest zoomed in level.
  int zoom = 16,
  // scale factor indicating retina or non-retina tiles. 0→non-retina tiles. 1→retina tiles.
  bool ssf = true,
}) {
  String markersData = '';
  // default Value of markers [centerLatitude,centerLongitude]
  if (markers == null) {
    markers = [
      [centerLatitude, centerLongitude]
  try {
    markers.forEach((coordinates) {
      if (coordinates.length != 2) {
        throw ClientSideException(
            "Markers coordinates must be in the form of [[latitude,longitude],[.. , ..],...]");
      } else {
        markersData += "${coordinates[0]},${coordinates[1]}|";
    return ("$baseUrl${this._apiKey}/still_image?center=$centerLatitude,$centerLongitude&zoom=$zoom&size=${width}x$height&ssf=${ssf ? '1' : '0'}&markers=${markersData}>");
  } catch (e) {
    return e.toString();