Mapbox Maps Flutter Draw

A Flutter package to draw, edit, and delete points, lines, and polygons on a Mapbox map using the mapbox_maps_flutter library. This package helps in creating and managing annotations interactively.


  • Draw Geometries: Add points, lines, and polygons on the map.
  • Delete Geometries: Remove existing geometries.
  • Undo Last Edit: Undo the last edit.
  • Manage Geometries: Store and retrieve multiple geometries.

Getting started

To use this package, add mapbox_maps_flutter_draw and its dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:

  mapbox_maps_flutter: ^<latest_version>


Please check out the example project for a full example.

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  late MapboxDrawController _mapboxDrawController;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    _mapboxDrawController = Provider.of<MapboxDrawController>(context);

    return Scaffold(
      body: MapWidget(
        styleUri: MapboxStyles.STANDARD,
        onMapCreated: (mapInstance) async {
          await _mapboxDrawController.initialize(mapInstance);

          // Add Points, Lines, and Polygons
          final point = '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.57,55.90]}';

          // ... do the same for lines and polygons
      floatingActionButton: Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
        children: [
            onPressed: () => _mapboxDrawController.toggleEditing(EditingMode.DRAW_POINT),
            child: const Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked),
          // ... do the same for lines and polygons
            onPressed: () => _mapboxDrawController.undoLastAction(),
            child: const Icon(Icons.undo),

API Overview


  • initialize(MapboxMap mapController, {Function(GeometryChangeEvent event)? onChange, GeometryStyles? styles}): Initializes the controller with a Mapbox map instance and sets up the point, line, and polygon handlers, optionally accepting a callback for geometry change events and custom styles for geometries.
  • toggleEditing(EditingMode mode): Toggles the editing state and delegates to the appropriate handler based on the specified editing mode.
  • toggleDeleteMode(): Toggles delete mode, which allows for deletion of points, lines, or polygons.
  • addPoints(List<Point> existingPoints): Adds existing points to the map by delegating to the PointHandler.
  • getAllPoints(): Retrieves all points currently stored by delegating to the PointHandler.
  • addLines(List<LineString> lines): Adds existing lines to the map by delegating to the LineHandler.
  • getAllLines(): Retrieves all lines currently stored by delegating to the LineHandler.
  • addPolygons(List<Polygon> existingPolygons): Adds existing polygons to the map by delegating to the PolygonHandler.
  • getAllPolygons(): Retrieves all polygons currently stored by delegating to the PolygonHandler.
  • undoLastAction(): Undoes the last action performed based on the current editing mode, delegating to the appropriate handler.
  • dispose(): Cleans up the annotation managers for points, lines, and polygons when the controller is no longer needed.


  • GeometryChangeType type: The type of change that occurred (e.g., add or delete).
  • GeometryType geometry: The geometry that was changed (e.g., point, line, or polygon)


  • GeometryStyle? pointStyle: Styles specific to points.
  • GeometryStyle? lineStyle: Styles specific to lines.
  • GeometryStyle? polygonStyle: Styles specific to polygons.


  • Color? color: The fill color of the geometry.
  • double? width: The width of the geometry.
  • Color? strokeColor: The color of the geometry's stroke (outline).
  • double? strokeWidth: The width of the stroke (outline) of the geometry.
  • double? opacity: The opacity of the geometry.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.