getStyleImportConfigProperties method
Gets style import config.
@param importId Identifier of the style import.
Returns the style import configuration or a string describing an error if the operation was not successful.
Future<Map<String, StylePropertyValue>> getStyleImportConfigProperties(
String importId) async {
final String pigeonVar_channelName =
final BasicMessageChannel<Object?> pigeonVar_channel =
binaryMessenger: pigeonVar_binaryMessenger,
final List<Object?>? pigeonVar_replyList =
await pigeonVar_channel.send(<Object?>[importId]) as List<Object?>?;
if (pigeonVar_replyList == null) {
throw _createConnectionError(pigeonVar_channelName);
} else if (pigeonVar_replyList.length > 1) {
throw PlatformException(
code: pigeonVar_replyList[0]! as String,
message: pigeonVar_replyList[1] as String?,
details: pigeonVar_replyList[2],
} else if (pigeonVar_replyList[0] == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: 'null-error',
message: 'Host platform returned null value for non-null return value.',
} else {
return (pigeonVar_replyList[0] as Map<Object?, Object?>?)!
.cast<String, StylePropertyValue>();