MapEvents class

List of supported event types by the map and map snapshotter objects, and event data format specification for each event.

Simplified diagram for events emitted by the map object.

┌─────────────┐               ┌─────────┐                   ┌──────────────┐
│ Application │               │   Map   │                   │ResourceLoader│
└──────┬──────┘               └────┬────┘                   └───────┬──────┘
       │                           │                                │
       ├───────setStyleURI────────▶│                                │
       │                           ├───────────get style───────────▶│
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │◀─────────style data────────────┤
       │                           │                                │
       │                           ├─parse style─┐                  │
       │                           │             │                  │
       │      StyleDataLoaded      ◀─────────────┘                  │
       │◀────{"type": "style"}─────┤                                │
       │                           ├─────────get sprite────────────▶│
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │◀────────sprite data────────────┤
       │                           │                                │
       │                           ├──────parse sprite───────┐      │
       │                           │                         │      │
       │      StyleDataLoaded      ◀─────────────────────────┘      │
       │◀───{"type": "sprite"}─────┤                                │
       │                           ├─────get source TileJSON(s)────▶│
       │                           │                                │
       │     SourceDataLoaded      │◀─────parse TileJSON data───────┤
       │◀──{"type": "metadata"}────┤                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │      StyleDataLoaded      │                                │
       │◀───{"type": "sources"}────┤                                │
       │                           ├──────────get tiles────────────▶│
       │                           │                                │
       │◀───────StyleLoaded────────┤                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │     SourceDataLoaded      │◀─────────tile data─────────────┤
       │◀────{"type": "tile"}──────┤                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │◀────RenderFrameStarted────┤                                │
       │                           ├─────render─────┐               │
       │                           │                │               │
       │                           ◀────────────────┘               │
       │◀───RenderFrameFinished────┤                                │
       │                           ├──render, all tiles loaded──┐   │
       │                           │                            │   │
       │                           ◀────────────────────────────┘   │
       │◀────────MapLoaded─────────┤                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │                                │
       │◀─────────MapIdle──────────┤                                │
       │                    ┌ ─── ─┴─ ─── ┐                         │
       │                    │   offline   │                         │
       │                    └ ─── ─┬─ ─── ┘                         │
       │                           │                                │
       ├─────────setCamera────────▶│                                │
       │                           ├───────────get tiles───────────▶│
       │                           │                                │
       │                           │┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
       │◀─────────MapIdle──────────┤   waiting for connectivity  │  │
       │                           ││  Map renders cached data      │
       │                           │ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘  │
       │                           │                                │




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


CAMERA_CHANGED → const String
The camera has changed. This event is emitted whenever the visible viewport changes due to the invocation of setSize, setBounds methods or when the camera is modified by calling camera methods. The event is emitted synchronously, so that an updated camera state can be fetched immediately.
MAP_IDLE → const String
The map has entered the idle state. The map is in the idle state when there are no ongoing transitions and the map has rendered all requested non-volatile tiles. The event will not be emitted if setUserAnimationInProgress and / or setGestureInProgress is set to true.
MAP_LOADED → const String
The style has been fully loaded, and the map has rendered all visible tiles.
MAP_LOADING_ERROR → const String
Describes an error that has occured while loading the Map. The type property defines what resource could not be loaded and the message property will contain a descriptive error message. In case of source or tile loading errors, source-id will contain the id of the source failing. In case of tile loading errors, tile-id will contain the id of the tile
The map finished rendering a frame. The render-mode property tells whether the map has all data (full) required to render the visible viewport. The needs-repaint property provides information about ongoing transitions that trigger map repaint. The placement-changed property tells if the symbol placement has been changed in the visible viewport.
The map started rendering a frame.
The ResourceRequest event allows client to observe resource requests made by a map or map snapshotter objects.
SOURCE_ADDED → const String
The source has been added with addStyleSource method. The event is emitted synchronously, therefore, it is possible to immediately read added source's properties.
A source data has been loaded. Event may be emitted synchronously in cases when source's metadata is available when source is added to the style.
SOURCE_REMOVED → const String
The source has been removed with removeStyleSource method. The event is emitted synchronously, thus, getStyleSources will be in sync when the observer receives the notification.
STYLE_DATA_LOADED → const String
The requested style data has been loaded. The type property defines what kind of style data has been loaded. Event may be emitted synchronously, for example, when setStyleJSON is used to load style.
A style has a missing image. This event is emitted when the map renders visible tiles and one of the required images is missing in the sprite sheet. Subscriber has to provide the missing image by calling addStyleImage method.
An image added to the style is no longer needed and can be removed using removeStyleImage method.
STYLE_LOADED → const String
The requested style has been fully loaded, including the style, specified sprite and sources' metadata.