setRTLTextPlugin static method

void setRTLTextPlugin(
  1. String pluginURL,
  2. Function callback,
  3. bool lazy

Sets the map's RTL text plugin. Necessary for supporting the Arabic and Hebrew languages, which are written right-to-left. Mapbox Studio loads this plugin by default.

@function setRTLTextPlugin @param {string} pluginURL URL pointing to the Mapbox RTL text plugin source. @param {Function} callback Called with an error argument if there is an error. @param {boolean} lazy If set to true, mapboxgl will defer loading the plugin until rtl text is encountered, rtl text will then be rendered only after the plugin finishes loading. @example mapboxgl.setRTLTextPlugin(''); @see Add support for right-to-left scripts


external static void setRTLTextPlugin(
    String pluginURL, Function callback, bool lazy);