on method

MapboxMap on(
  1. String type, [
  2. dynamic layerIdOrListener,
  3. Listener? listener

Adds a listener to a specified event type.

@param {string} type The event type to add a listen for. @param {Function} listener The function to be called when the event is fired. The listener function is called with the data object passed to fire, extended with target and type properties. @returns {Object} this


MapboxMap on(String type, [dynamic layerIdOrListener, Listener? listener]) {
  if (this is GeolocateControl && layerIdOrListener is GeoListener) {
    return MapboxMap.fromJsObject(
      jsObject.on(type, allowInterop(
        (dynamic position) {
  if (layerIdOrListener is Listener) {
    return MapboxMap.fromJsObject(
      jsObject.on(type, allowInterop(
        (EventJsImpl object) {
  return MapboxMap.fromJsObject(
      jsObject.on(type, layerIdOrListener, allowInterop(
    (EventJsImpl object) {