easeTo method
Changes any combination of center, zoom, bearing, and pitch, with an animated transition
between old and new values. The map will retain its current values for any
details not specified in options
Note: The transition will happen instantly if the user has enabled
the reduced motion
accesibility feature enabled in their operating system.
@memberof MapboxMap#
@param options Options describing the destination and animation of the transition.
Accepts {@link CameraOptions} and {@link AnimationOptions}.
@param eventData Additional properties to be added to event objects of events triggered by this method.
@fires movestart
@fires zoomstart
@fires pitchstart
@fires rotate
@fires move
@fires zoom
@fires pitch
@fires moveend
@fires zoomend
@fires pitchend
@returns {MapboxMap} this
@see Navigate the map with game-like controls
MapboxMap easeTo(dynamic options, [dynamic eventData]) =>