setPaintProperty method

dynamic setPaintProperty(
  1. String layerId,
  2. String name,
  3. dynamic value, [
  4. StyleSetterOptions? options,

Sets the value of a paint property in the specified style layer.

@param {string} layerId The ID of the layer to set the paint property in. @param {string} name The name of the paint property to set. @param {*} value The value of the paint property to set. Must be of a type appropriate for the property, as defined in the Mapbox Style Specification. @param {Object} options @param {boolean} options.validate=true Whether to check if value conforms to the Mapbox GL Style Specification. Disabling validation is a performance optimization that should only be used if you have previously validated the values you will be passing to this function. @returns {MapboxMap} this @example map.setPaintProperty('my-layer', 'fill-color', '#faafee'); @see Change a layer's color with buttons @see Adjust a layer's opacity @see Create a draggable point


setPaintProperty(String layerId, String name, dynamic value,
        [StyleSetterOptions? options]) =>
    jsObject.setPaintProperty(layerId, name, jsify(value));