
MapZoneManager is a Flutter package that provides a widget and controller to manage zones on a Google Map. It allows you to create, update, and manage multiple zones, with features for handling map markers, polygons, and custom actions like adding or resetting zones. It supports both single and multi-zone management and is highly customizable with features like custom buttons and map styles.

Zone Creation Demo

Zone View Demo


  • Zone Creation: Create zones by tapping on the map and adding coordinates to form a polygon.
  • Multiple Zones: Supports managing multiple zones on the map.
  • Customizable: Customize zone colors, border colors, and border width.
  • View-Only Mode: Ability to display zones in a read-only mode (no zone creation).
  • Custom Buttons: Option to replace the default add/reset zone buttons with custom widgets.
  • Markers & Polygons: Displays markers and polygons for each zone created on the map.
  • Zoom Controls: Enable/disable zoom controls and gestures.
  • Location Services: Enable location tracking and display of the user's current location.
  • Map Styles: Apply different map styles to customize the appearance of the map.


To add the package to your Flutter project, update your pubspec.yaml file: Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.

  map_zone_manager: ^0.0.1 


Basic Usage

To use the MapZoneManager widget, you need to add it to your widget tree. Here's a basic example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
import 'package:map_zone_manager/map_zone_manager.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Map Zone Manager')),
        body: MapZoneManager(
          initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(target: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194), zoom: 12),
          multiZone: true,
          showAddButton: true,
          showResetButton: true,
          viewOnly: false,
          onZoneAdded: (zone) {
            print('New Zone Added: ${zone.zoneId}');



  • initialCameraPosition: The initial camera position for the map (optional).
  • markerIcon: The icon for the markers (optional).
  • multiZone: Whether multiple zones can be added (default is true).
  • showAddButton: Whether to show the button to add a zone (default is true).
  • showResetButton: Whether to show the button to reset the zone (default is true).
  • viewOnly: Whether the map is in view-only mode (default is false).
  • addButtonWidget: Custom widget for the add button (optional).
  • resetButtonWidget: Custom widget for the reset button (optional).
  • zones: A list of initial zones to display on the map (optional).
  • onZoneAdded: A callback triggered when a new zone is added (optional).
  • mapStyle: The map style to apply (optional, defaults to MapStyle.standard).
  • mapZoneManagerController: A controller to manage map zones (optional).
  • minimumCoordinatesForAdding: The minimum number of coordinates required to create a zone (default is 2).
  • defaultZoneColor: The default fill color for zones (default is Colors.yellow).
  • defaultBorderColor: The default border color for zones (default is
  • defaultBorderWidth: The default border width for zones (default is 2).
  • currentZoneColor: The color for the current zone being created (default is
  • currentBorderColor: The color for the current zone's border (default is
  • currentBorderWidth: The width of the current zone's border (default is 2).
  • onTap: A callback triggered when the map is tapped (optional).
  • onLongPress: A callback triggered when the map is long-pressed (optional).
  • zoomControlsEnabled: Whether zoom controls are enabled (default is true).
  • zoomGesturesEnabled: Whether zoom gestures are enabled (default is true).
  • myLocationEnabled: Whether the user's current location is displayed (default is false).
  • myLocationButtonEnabled: Whether the "My Location" button is enabled (default is true).


The MapZoneManagerController is a controller class for managing zones and map-related operations. You can use this controller to manage zones, add coordinates, and move the camera to fit a zone.

MapZoneManagerController controller = MapZoneManagerController(
  onZoneAdded: (zone) {
    print('New Zone Added: ${zone.zoneId}');
  multiZone: true,

controller.addPositionOnCurrentZone(LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194));


This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.