dialogAddressPicker static method

Future<MPAddress> dialogAddressPicker({
  1. Widget searchBuilder(
    1. dynamic search(
      1. String address
  2. Widget addressBuilder(
    1. String address,
    2. Function done
  3. double aspectRatio = 2,
  4. Widget? progressWidget,
  5. MPickerTheme? theme,
  6. Widget? marker,
  7. required BuildContext context,
  8. String btnCancel = 'Cancel',
  9. String btnSave = 'Save',

This feature is very useful in desktop or web, how the screen is bigger,

the picker can be just a dialog, then it is done, done just to use.


static Future<MPAddress> dialogAddressPicker(
    {Widget Function(Function(String address) search)? searchBuilder,
    Widget Function(String address, Function done)? addressBuilder,
    double aspectRatio = 2,
    Widget? progressWidget,
    MPickerTheme? theme,
    Widget? marker,
    required BuildContext context,
    String btnCancel = 'Cancel',
    String btnSave = 'Save'}) async {
  final content = MapPicker(
      progressWidget: progressWidget,
      addressBuilder: addressBuilder,
      searchBuilder: searchBuilder,
      marker: marker,
      theme: theme);

  return await showDialog(
      context: context,
      builder: (c) => Container(
          margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 60),
          child: AlertDialog(
              content: AspectRatio(aspectRatio: aspectRatio, child: content),
              actions: [
                    child: Text(btnCancel),
                    onPressed: () {
                    child: Text(btnSave),
                    onPressed: () async => await content.pop(context))