The purpose of this package, alongside its companion map_mapper_annotations package, is to significantly reduce the workload of exposing Dart business model classes to NoSQL database repositories that persist data as Map<String, dynamic> instead of strongly typed objects.
This project is heavily inspired by the json_serializable package. However, while the serialization logic is relatively similar, the way it is exposed is different. While the json_serializable packages generates private methods, this package generates subclasses of MapMapper<TEntity>
that have a Map<String, dynamic> toMap(TEntity instance)
method and a TEntity fromMap(Map<String, dynamic>) map
The purpose behind this approach is to be able to develop generic service handling code that is able to handle any kind of TEntity
, serialize those entities and send them to a database, or retrieve them from the database and deserialize them.
More concretely, with this approach, it is easier to develop a generic mixin that handles gRPC requests and takes care of the typical CRUD requests.
Additionally, the generated code also defines class extensions that make it unnecessary to create factory constructors in the classes being serialized.
For instance, if we have a Recipe
class, all we need to do to have it serializable is to add the @mapMap
attribute, without having to type any other method or factory:
class Recipe {
final String key;
final String title;
final List<Ingredient> ingredients;
this.key = '',
required this.title,
required this.ingredients,
// no code is required to be added here to support
// serialization
Instead, because the generated code adds an extension to Recipe
and Map<String, dynamic>
, serialization and deserialization is as simple as:
final recipe = Recipe(/* initialization params */);
// this will create a Map<String, dynamic>
// with the properties. Note that we didn't
// actually need to add a toMap() method
// to recipe, as an extension was created
// in recipe.g.dart with that method.
final recipeMap = recipe.toMap();
// this will recreate a Recipe.
// This is also possible because we also
// added an extension to Map<String, dynamic>
// that adds the method toRecipe().
final recipe2 = recipeMap.toRecipe();
Polymorphism is the feature that allows us to have a variable of a super-class type referencing a sub-class and having it serialize the object in such a way that the serialized map contains all the sub-class properties as well as a type identifier. This enables us to deserialize the sub-class object again knowing beforehand only the super-class type. This package supports polymorphism with a caveat: All supported subclass types must be known during generation time, and registered with MapMapped()
annotation's knownSubClasses
Here's an example:
class Car extends Vehicle {
required this.numberOfDoors,
required super.weight,
final int numberOfDoors;
class Airplane extends Vehicle {
required super.weight,
required this.wingspan,
final int wingspan;
// note that we are identifying all the
// known subclasses
@MapMapped(knownSubClasses: [
abstract class Vehicle { // can be non-abstract as well
final int weight;
required this.weight,
void main() {
final car = Car(numberOfDoors: 4, weight: 1500);
final Vehicle airplane = Airplane(wingspan: 13, weight: 1500);
final vehicles = <Vehicle>[car, airplane];
// from here we will get a list of maps containing
// a serialization of each Vehicle
final maps = => v.toMap()).toList();
// not that we call .toVehicle because we know
// they are all vehicles
final deserVehicles = => m.toVehicle()).toList();
final deserCar = deserVehicles[0] as Car; // it is really a car
final deserAirplane = deserVehicles[1] as Airplane; // and it is really an airplane
print(deserCar.numberOfDoors); // should print 4
print(deserAirplane.wingspan); // should print 13
Getting started
In order to get started, look at the example project at
This package is part of a set of losely integrated packages that constitute the Dartaculous Framework.
- generators_common/squarealfa_generators_common
- This library contains helper classes and extensions to facilitate the construction of dart code generators
- generators_common/src/class_element_extensions
- generators_common/src/dart_type_extensions
- generators_common/src/element_extensions
- generators_common/src/field_descriptor_base
- generators_common/src/field_element_descriptor_base
- generators_common/src/method_descriptor_base
- generators_common/src/polymorphism
- generators_common/src/string_extensions
- generators_common/src/type_checker_extensions
- map_mapper_generator
- Generates code that maps (converts) between instances of business classes to Map<String, dynamic> and back.