MFBuilding constructor

const MFBuilding({
  1. required MFBuildingId buildingId,
  2. bool consumeTapEvents = false,
  3. String name = '',
  4. MFLatLng position = const MFLatLng(0, 0),
  5. List<MFLatLng> coordinates = const <MFLatLng>[],
  6. String modelUrl = '',
  7. String textureUrl = '',
  8. double height = 1,
  9. double scale = 1,
  10. double bearing = 0,
  11. double elevation = 0,
  12. bool selected = false,
  13. bool visible = true,
  14. VoidCallback? onTap,

Creates an immutable representation of a MFPOI to draw on Map4dMap.


const MFBuilding(
    {required this.buildingId,
    this.consumeTapEvents = false, = '',
    this.position = const MFLatLng(0, 0),
    this.coordinates = const <MFLatLng>[],
    this.modelUrl = '',
    this.textureUrl = '',
    this.height = 1,
    this.scale = 1,
    this.bearing = 0,
    this.elevation = 0,
    this.selected = false,
    this.visible = true,