getAllReadChaptersForAListOfManga method

Future<Response> getAllReadChaptersForAListOfManga(
  1. String sessionToken,
  2. List<String> mangaIds

Returns a http response with details of all read chapters in the list of given mangaIds or uuids, please note it returns a http response since the response is not always of the same schema.


Future<http.Response> getAllReadChaptersForAListOfManga(
    String sessionToken, List<String> mangaIds) async {
  var unencodedPath = '/manga/read';
  var _ids = '';
  mangaIds.forEach((element) {
    _ids = _ids + '&ids[]=$element';
  final uri = 'https://$AUTHORITY$unencodedPath?$_ids';
  var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(uri), headers: {
    HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/json',
    HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'Bearer $sessionToken'
  return response;