createEvent method

Future<String?> createEvent({
  1. required String calendarId,
  2. required CalendarEvent event,

Helps to create an event in the selected calendar


Future<String?> createEvent({
  required String calendarId,
  required CalendarEvent event,
}) async {
  String? eventId;

  try {
    eventId = await _channel.invokeMethod(
      <String, Object?>{
        'calendarId': calendarId,
        'eventId': event.eventId != null ? event.eventId : null,
        'title': event.title,
        'description': event.description,
        'startDate': event.startDate!.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
        'endDate': event.endDate!.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
        'location': event.location,
        'isAllDay': event.isAllDay != null ? event.isAllDay : false,
        'hasAlarm': event.hasAlarm != null ? event.hasAlarm : false,
        'url': event.url,
        'reminder': event.reminder != null ? event.reminder!.minutes : null,
  } catch (e) {
  return eventId;