A function that return specific range prayertime days
The zone should be a Zone object type.
The dateend should have a format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
The datestart should have a format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
A function that return a list prayertime object
This list prayertime object contain the prayertime information for this month
The zone should be a Zone object type.
A function that return single prayertime object
This prayertime object contain the prayertime information for today
The zone should be a Zone object type.
A function that return a list prayertime object
This list prayertime object contain the prayertime information for this week
The zone should be a Zone object type.
A function that return a list prayertime object
This list prayertime object contain the prayertime information for this year
The zone should be a Zone object type.