main_button library
- AssetLottie
- CircleImageWidget
- CustomSizeTransition
- Animates its own size and clips and aligns its child.
- DefaultProfileImage
- DropShadow
- FileLottie
- FrameRate
- HexColor
- ImageWidget
- Lottie
- A widget to display a loaded LottieComposition. The controller property allows to specify a custom AnimationController that will drive the animation. If controller is null, the animation will play automatically and the behavior could be adjusted with the properties animate, repeat and reverse.
- LottieBuilder
- A widget that displays a Lottie animation.
- LottieCache
- LottieComposition
- LottieDelegates
- LottieDrawable
- LottieFontStyle
- LottieImageAsset
- LottieOptions
- LottieProvider
- MainButton
- A custom icon button widget that provides a variety of styling and functionality options.
- MainWidgetsUtil
- Marker
- MemoryLottie
- NetworkLottie
- RawLottie
- A widget that displays a LottieDrawable directly.
- RenderCache
- SmartCachedImages
- A widget that displays a cached network image with optional placeholders, error handling, and image filtering.
- SmartEmptyWidget
- SmartLoadingWidget
- SmartRefreshIndicator
- SmartScreen
- SmartStatusWidget
- SmartTagWidget
- SmartUserImage
- SmartWelcomeWidget
- StatusWidget
- StyledToast
- Toast configuration widget, which we use to save the overall configuration for toast widget in.
- StyledToastPosition
- Toast position.
- StyledToastTheme
- Toast theme, only for default content widget.
- StyledToastWidgetState
- ToastFuture
- The class for managing the overlay and dismiss.
- ToastManager
- Toast manager, manage toast list.
- DateFormats
- dateTime => 03/11/2023 - 11:00 AM
- DeviceType
- EmptyType
- Enum that defines the type of empty state to display.
- IconType
- LoadingType
- Enum that defines the type of loading indicator to display.
- MainButtonEnum
- MainButtonEnum - primary - secondary - tertiary
- StyledToastAnimation
- Toast animation.
- StyledToastShowType
- Toast showing type.
- ToastStatus
- CapitalLetterExtension on String
- DateFormatsExtension on DateFormats
- DateTimeExtension on DateTime
- IsDarkTheme on BuildContext
on List<
Widget> - MainWidgetsBorderRadiusExtension on BorderRadius
- MainWidgetsBoxConstraintsExtension on BoxConstraints
- MainWidgetsEdgeInsetsExtension on EdgeInsets
- MainWidgetsRadiusExtension on Radius
- MainWidgetsSizeExtension on num
- MobileType on BuildContext
- Pop on BuildContext
- Push on BuildContext
- PushNamed on BuildContext
- TextExtension on BuildContext
- animationDuration → const Duration
- Default animation duration.
- currentContext ↔ BuildContext?
Current context of the page which uses the toast.
getter/setter pair
- timer ↔ Timer?
getter/setter pair
DateTime from, DateTime to) → int -
{bool showAnim = false}) → void - The method to dismiss all toast.
T> (T start, T end, AnimationController controller, {Curve curve = Curves.linearToEaseOut}) → Animation< T> - Get the animation simply.
{required String date, String? format, bool toApi = true, bool isUTC = true, String locale = 'en_US'}) → String -
{required String date, String? secondDate}) → int -
{required String? date, DateFormats? format, bool toApi = true, bool isUTC = true, String locale = 'en_US'}) → String -
{required double mobile, double? tabletPortrait, double? tabletLandscape, String? text}) → double -
{required String? time, String? format, bool toApi = true, String locale = 'en_US'}) → String - Time format String must be 'HH:mm'
{required BuildContext context, required bool isLoading, required bool isEmpty, required Widget builder(BuildContext context), Widget? emptyWidget, String? message, Color? refreshColor, Color? refreshBackgroundColor, required Future< void> onRefresh()?}) → Widget - A function that returns a widget based on the state of loading, empty content, or displaying data.
VoidCallback action, {int milliseconds = 800}) → void -
String? msg, {BuildContext? context, Duration? duration, Duration? animDuration, StyledToastPosition? position, TextStyle? textStyle, EdgeInsetsGeometry? textPadding, double toastHorizontalMargin = _defaultHorizontalMargin, Color? backgroundColor, BorderRadius? borderRadius, ShapeBorder? shapeBorder, VoidCallback? onDismiss, TextDirection? textDirection, bool? dismissOtherToast, StyledToastAnimation? animation, StyledToastAnimation? reverseAnimation, Alignment? alignment, Axis? axis, Offset? startOffset, Offset? endOffset, Offset? reverseStartOffset, Offset? reverseEndOffset, TextAlign? textAlign, Curve? curve, Curve? reverseCurve, bool? fullWidth, bool? isHideKeyboard, CustomAnimationBuilder? animationBuilder, CustomAnimationBuilder? reverseAnimBuilder, bool? isIgnoring, OnInitStateCallback? onInitState}) → ToastFuture - Show normal toast with style and animation.
{required String msg, Color? backgroundColor, Widget? icon, BuildContext? context}) → void -
{required String msg, required ToastStatus status, required Widget icon, Color? backgroundColor, Color? textColor, BuildContext? context, double radius = 12, BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius}) → void -
{required String msg, Color? backgroundColor, Widget? icon, BuildContext? context}) → void -
{BuildContext? context, Duration? duration, Duration? animDuration, VoidCallback? onDismiss, bool? dismissOtherToast, TextDirection? textDirection, Alignment? alignment, Axis? axis, Offset? startOffset, Offset? endOffset, Offset? reverseStartOffset, Offset? reverseEndOffset, StyledToastPosition? position, StyledToastAnimation? animation, StyledToastAnimation? reverseAnimation, Curve? curve, Curve? reverseCurve, bool? isHideKeyboard, CustomAnimationBuilder? animationBuilder, CustomAnimationBuilder? reverseAnimBuilder, bool? isIgnoring, OnInitStateCallback? onInitState, required Widget builder(BuildContext? context, StyledToastTheme? theme)}) → ToastFuture - Show custom content widget for toasting.
- CustomAnimationBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, AnimationController controller, Duration duration, Widget child)
- Builder method for custom animation.
- FontSizeResolver = double Function(num fontSize, MainWidgetsUtil instance)
= Future<
LottieComposition?> Function(List<int> bytes) -
A function that knows how to transform a list of bytes to a
= ImageProvider<
Object> ? Function(LottieImageAsset) - OnInitStateCallback = dynamic Function(Duration toastDuration, Duration animDuration)
Callback of the life cycle hook
of toast widget.