Main Auth

This package provides a customizable Login and Sign-Up screen for Flutter applications. It allows easy integration of login forms, social login buttons, and customization of titles, styles, and layouts.

Table of Contents


  • LoginScreen: A customizable login screen with configurable top, middle, and bottom sections.
  • SignUpScreen: A customizable sign-up screen with support for additional fields such as phone number and confirm password.
  • Social Login Integration: Provides easy-to-use social login buttons for Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter (X).
  • Customizable Styles: You can apply custom button styles, titles, and layout configurations.
  • Callback Support: Handle actions such as login, sign-up, and social login button presses via callbacks.


  1. Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:
  main_auth: <latest_version>


To enable validation message localization in the Factory Constructors, add ValidationLocalizations.delegate to your app's list of delegates:

    localizationsDelegates: [
      // other delegates...
    // other app configurations...

Constructor Parameters For Login

Parameter Type Default Description
hideAppBar bool false Controls whether the AppBar is visible or hidden.
title String? null The title to be displayed at the top of the screen. If null, a default "Login" title is used.
image Widget? null An optional image widget, typically used for displaying a logo.
buttonSocialType ButtonSocialType ButtonSocialType.defaultType Defines the type of social login buttons in the bottom section.
buttonStyle ButtonDecoration ButtonDecoration.defaultStyle Defines the decoration and style for social login buttons.
titleStyle TextStyle? null Optional style for the title. If null, the default text style is used.
hideTopLogin bool false Controls whether the top login section is hidden.
topLoginWidget Widget? null Optional widget to replace the default top login section.
hideMiddleLogin bool false Controls whether the middle login section is hidden.
middleLoginWidget Widget? null Optional widget to replace the default middle login section.
hideBottomLogin bool false Controls whether the bottom login section is hidden.
bottomLoginWidget Widget? null Optional widget to replace the default bottom login section.
padding EdgeInsets? EdgeInsets.all(12) Padding around the body content.
onLoginPressed void Function(String email, String password)? null Callback function triggered when the login button is pressed, passing the entered email and password.

Example Usage Login

      title: 'Welcome Back',
      image: Image.asset('assets/logo.png'),
      hideAppBar: true,
      onLoginPressed: (email, password) {
        // Handle login action
      hideTopLogin: false,
      hideMiddleLogin: false,
      hideBottomLogin: false,
      buttonStyle: ButtonDecoration.rounded,

Constructor Parameters For SignUp

Parameter Type Default Description
hideAppBar bool false Controls whether the AppBar is visible or hidden.
title String? null Optional title displayed at the top of the screen. If null, a default localized title ("Sign up") is shown.
image Widget? null An optional image widget, commonly used for displaying a logo or branding.
buttonSocialType ButtonSocialType ButtonSocialType.defaultType Defines the type of social login buttons in the bottom section.
buttonStyle ButtonDecoration ButtonDecoration.defaultStyle Defines the decoration and style of social login buttons.
titleStyle TextStyle? null Optional style applied to the title. If not provided, the default text style is used.
hideTopSignUp bool false Controls whether the top sign-up section is hidden.
topSignUpWidget Widget? null An optional widget to replace the default top sign-up section.
hideMiddleSignUp bool false Controls whether the middle sign-up section is hidden.
middleSignUpWidget Widget? null An optional widget to replace the default middle sign-up section.
hideBottomSignUp bool false Controls whether the bottom sign-up section is hidden.
hideConfirmPasswordField bool false Controls whether the "Confirm Password" field is hidden.
hidePhoneField bool false Controls whether the phone number field is hidden.
bottomSignUpWidget Widget? null An optional widget to replace the default bottom sign-up section, typically for social login buttons or additional options.
padding EdgeInsets? EdgeInsets.all(12) Padding applied around the body content.
onSignUpPressed void Function(String email, String password, {String? phone, String? confirmPassword})? null Callback function triggered when the "Sign up" button is pressed, providing the entered email, password, and optionally phone number and confirm password.
onTapGoogle VoidCallback? null Callback function triggered when the Google login button is pressed.
onTapX VoidCallback? null Callback function triggered when the X (Twitter) login button is pressed.
onTapApple VoidCallback? null Callback function triggered when the Apple login button is pressed.
onTapFacebook VoidCallback? null Callback function triggered when the Facebook login button is pressed.
onTermsTap VoidCallback? null Callback function triggered when the "Terms and Conditions" link is pressed.

Example Usage SignUp

      title: 'Create Your Account',
      image: Image.asset('assets/logo.png'),
      hideAppBar: true,
      onSignUpPressed: (email, password, {phone, confirmPassword}) {
        // Handle sign-up logic here
      onTapGoogle: () {
        // Handle Google sign-up
      onTapFacebook: () {
        // Handle Facebook sign-up
      hideConfirmPasswordField: false,
      hidePhoneField: true, // Hide phone number field
      buttonStyle: ButtonDecoration.rounded,


Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.

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