register static method

Future<AuthenticatedUser> register({
  1. String? username,
  2. String? password,
  3. Domain? domain,
  4. int randomCharsLength = 16,

Registers an account using a certain username, domain and password.

The username+domain corresponds to username@domain. If domain is not provided, the first one received from the mailtm API is used If username and password aren't provided, they are generated using a generator And their length will be randomCharsLength


static Future<AuthenticatedUser> register({
  String? username,
  String? password,
  Domain? domain,
  int randomCharsLength = 16,
}) async {
  username = username == null || username.isEmpty
      ? randomString(randomCharsLength)
      : username;

  password = password == null || password.isEmpty
      ? randomString(randomCharsLength)
      : password;

  domain ??= (await domains()).first;

  final address = '$username@${domain.domain}'.toLowerCase();
  final account = await client.createAccount(address, password);
  final token = (await client.getToken(address, password)).token;

  final user = AuthenticatedUser(
    account: account,
    password: password,
    token: token,

  addUser(, user);

  return user;