login static method

Future<AuthenticatedUser?> login({
  1. String? id,
  2. String? address,
  3. String? password,

Logins to an account using either id or address and password


static Future<AuthenticatedUser?> login({
  String? id,
  String? address,
  String? password,
}) async {
    ((address != null && password != null) && id == null) ||
        ((address == null && password == null) && id != null),
    "Only one of id and address+password must be provided.",

  if (id != null) return getUser(id);

  final token = (await client.getToken(address!.toLowerCase(), password!));
  final user = AuthenticatedUser(
    account: await client.getAccount(token.id, token.token),
    password: password,
    token: token.token,

  addUser(user.account.id, user);

  return user;