buildDeclarationsForClass method

  1. @override
FutureOr<void> buildDeclarationsForClass(
  1. ClassDeclaration clazz,
  2. MemberDeclarationBuilder builder


FutureOr<void> buildDeclarationsForClass(ClassDeclaration clazz, MemberDeclarationBuilder builder) async {
  final fields = await builder.fieldsOf(clazz);

  builder.declareInLibrary(DeclarationCode.fromString('import \'package:dio/dio.dart\';'));
  builder.declareInLibrary(DeclarationCode.fromString('import \'dart:core\';'));

  /// Check if the class has a baseUrl field.
  final indexOfBaseUrl = fields.indexWhere((element) => == baseUrlVarSignature);
  if (indexOfBaseUrl == -1) {
    builder.declareInType(DeclarationCode.fromParts(['\tfinal String? $baseUrlVarSignature;']));
  } else {
    final baseUrlField = fields[indexOfBaseUrl];
    final type = baseUrlField.type;
    if (type is! NamedTypeAnnotation) {
      throw ArgumentError('$baseUrlVarSignature field must be of type $stringSignature');
    if ( != stringSignature) {
      throw ArgumentError('$baseUrlVarSignature field must be of type $stringSignature');

  /// Check if the class has a Dio field.
  final indexOfDio = fields.indexWhere((element) => == dioVarSignature);
  if (indexOfDio == -1) {
    builder.declareInType(DeclarationCode.fromParts(['\tfinal $dioSignature $dioVarSignature;']));
  } else {
    final dioField = fields[indexOfDio];
    final type = dioField.type;
    if (type is! NamedTypeAnnotation) {
      throw ArgumentError('$dioVarSignature field must be of type $dioSignature');
    if ( != dioSignature) {
      throw ArgumentError('$dioVarSignature field must be of type $dioSignature');