Flutter plugin to create secure bookmarks to keep access to files in sandboxed apps.
- Check the documentation on security-scoped bookmarks
- Make sure to enable the necessary entitlements
Creating Security Scoped Bookmarks
// First let the user choose a file, e.g. using the file chooser plugin.
showOpenPanel((result, files) {
if (result != FileChooserResult.ok || files.isEmpty) {
// Now create a security scoped bookmark
final secureBookmarks = SecureBookmarks();
final bookmark = await secureBookmarks.bookmark(File(_file));
// Now store the bookmark somewhere for later invocations
Resolving and accessing bookmarks
// resolve bookmark from persistet 'bookmark' string from earlier
final resolvedFile = await _secureBookmarks.resolveBookmark(_bookmark);
// resolved is now a File object, but before accessing it, call:
await startAccessingSecurityScopedResource(resolvedFile);
// now read/write the file
// and later give up access.
await stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(resolvedFile);