dispose method

  1. @override
void dispose()

Release the resources associated to this ProviderElementBase.

This will be invoked when:

  • the provider is using autoDispose and it is no-longer used.
  • the associated ProviderContainer is disposed

On the other hand, this life-cycle will not be executed when a provider rebuilds.

As opposed to runOnDispose, this life-cycle is executed only for the lifetime of this element.


void dispose() {
  final completer = _futureCompleter;
  if (completer != null) {
    // Whatever happens after this, the error is emitted post dispose of the provider.
    // So the error doesn't matter anymore.

    final lastFuture = _lastFuture;
    if (lastFuture != null) {
      // The completer will be completed by the while loop in handleStream

      final cancelSubscription = _cancelSubscription;
      if (cancelSubscription != null) {
              (_) {},
              // ignore: avoid_types_on_closure_parameters
              onError: (Object _) {},

      // Prevent super.dispose from cancelling the subscription on the "last"
      // stream value, so that it can be sent to `provider.future`.
      _lastFuture = null;
      _lastFutureSub = null;
      _cancelSubscription = null;
    } else {
      // The listened stream completed during a "loading" state.