toInputImage method

InputImage toInputImage()


InputImage toInputImage() {
  final planeData =
      when(nv21: (img) => img.planes, bgra8888: (img) => img.planes)?.map(
    (plane) {
      return InputImagePlaneMetadata(
        bytesPerRow: plane.bytesPerRow,
        height: height,
        width: width,

  return when(nv21: (image) {
    return InputImage.fromBytes(
      bytes: image.bytes,
      inputImageData: InputImageData(
        imageRotation: inputImageRotation,
        inputImageFormat: InputImageFormat.nv21,
        planeData: planeData,
        size: image.size,
  }, bgra8888: (image) {
    final inputImageData = InputImageData(
      size: size,
      // FIXME: seems to be ignored on iOS...
      imageRotation: inputImageRotation,
      inputImageFormat: inputImageFormat,
      planeData: planeData,

    return InputImage.fromBytes(
      bytes: image.bytes,
      inputImageData: inputImageData,