toArray method
Converts this TokenSet into an array of strings contained within the TokenSet.
This is not intended to be used on a TokenSet that contains wildcards, in these cases the results are undefined and are likely to cause an infinite loop.
@returns {string[]}
List<String> toArray() {
List<String> words = [];
Stack stack = [Frame(prefix: "", node: this)];
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
var frame = stack.removeLast();
var edges = frame.node.edges.keys.toList();
int len = edges.length;
if (frame.node.isFinal) {
/* In Safari, at this point the prefix is sometimes corrupted, see:
* Calling any
* String.prototype method forces Safari to "cast" this string to what
* it's supposed to be, fixing the bug. */
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var edge = edges[i];
prefix: '${frame.prefix}$edge', node: frame.node.edges[edge]!));
return words;