Parser class


Parser(Lexer? lexer)


endOffset int
End offset of the last consumed token (i.e. not the one in token but the one before that)
getter/setter pair
filename String?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
lexer Lexer?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
token Token?
getter/setter pair


consume(int type) → void
consumeName(String name) → void
consumeSemicolon() → void
Consume a semicolon, or if a line-break was here, just pretend there was one here.
emitError() → void
fail({Token? tok, String? expected, String? message}) → dynamic
makeName(Token? tok) Name
makePropertyName(Token? tok) Node
next() Token?
Returns the current token, and scans the next one.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
parseArguments() List<Expression>
parseArrayLiteral() Expression
parseAssignment({bool allowIn = true}) Expression
parseBinary(int minPrecedence, bool allowIn) Expression
parseBlock() BlockStatement
/// STATEMENTS /////
parseBreak() Statement
parseConditional(bool allowIn) Expression
parseContinue() Statement
parseDebuggerStatement() Statement
parseDoWhile() Statement
parseEmptyStatement() Statement
parseExpression({bool allowIn = true}) Expression
parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement() Statement
parseExpressionProgram() Program
parseExpressionStatement() Statement
parseFor() Statement
parseFunction({bool inObject = false, Token? nameTok = null}) FunctionNode
parseFunctionBody() BlockStatement
parseFunctionDeclaration() Statement
parseIf() Statement
parseLeftHandSide() Expression
parseMemberExpression(Token? newTok) Expression
parseName() Name
parseNewExpression() Expression
parseObjectLiteral() Expression
parseParameters() List<Name>
// FUNCTIONS //////
parsePostfix() Expression
parsePrimary() Expression
parseProgram() Program
parseProperty() Property
parseReturn() Statement
parseStatement() Statement
parseSwitch() Statement
parseSwitchCaseHead() SwitchCase
Parses a single 'case E:' or 'default:' without the following statements
parseThrow() Statement
parseTry() Statement
parseUnary() Expression
parseVariableDeclarationList({bool allowIn = true}) VariableDeclaration
parseVariableDeclarationStatement() VariableDeclaration
parseWhile() Statement
parseWith() Statement
peekName(String name) bool
requireNext(int type) Token?
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryName(String name) bool


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.