strictTransportSecurity function

Callback strictTransportSecurity({
  1. int maxAge = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60,
  2. bool includeSubdomains = true,
  3. bool preload = false,

This middleware adds the Strict-Transport-Security header to the response. This tells browsers, "hey, only use HTTPS for the next period of time".

Note that the header won't tell users on HTTP to switch to HTTPS, it will just tell HTTPS users to stick around.

maxAge must be in seconds (defaults 180 days) includeSubDomains directive is present by default.

Some browsers let you submit your site's HSTS to be baked into the browser. You can add preload to the header.


Callback strictTransportSecurity({
  int maxAge = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60,
  bool includeSubdomains = true,
  bool preload = false,
}) {
  return (Req req, Res res) {
    String value = 'max-age=$maxAge';
    if (includeSubdomains) value = '$value; includeSubDomains';
    if (preload) value = '$value; preload';
    res.set('Strict-Transport-Security', value);