referrerPolicy function

Callback referrerPolicy({
  1. dynamic policy = 'no-referrer',

The Referer HTTP header is typically set by web browsers to tell the server where it's coming from.

For example, if you click a link on that takes you to, Wikipedia's servers will see Referer:

This can have privacy implications—websites can see where you are coming from. The new Referrer-Policy HTTP header lets authors control how browsers set the Referer header.


Callback referrerPolicy({policy = 'no-referrer'}) {
  List<String> allowed = [

  return (Req req, Res res) {
    String value = 'no-referer';

    if (policy is String) {
      if (allowed.contains(policy)) {
        value = policy;

    if (policy is List<String>) {
      List<String> values = [];

      for (String p in policy) {
        if (allowed.contains(p) && !values.contains(p)) {

      if (values.isNotEmpty) {
        value = values.join(',');

    res.set('Referrer-Policy', value);