LucideIcons class
Lucide Icons
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- aArrowDown → const IconData
- a-arrow-down
- aArrowUp → const IconData
- a-arrow-up
- accessibility → const IconData
- accessibility
- activity → const IconData
- activity
- airplay → const IconData
- airplay
- airVent → const IconData
- air-vent
- aLargeSmall → const IconData
- a-large-small
- alarmClock → const IconData
- alarm-clock
- alarmClockCheck → const IconData
- alarm-clock-check
- alarmClockMinus → const IconData
- alarm-clock-minus
- alarmClockOff → const IconData
- alarm-clock-off
- alarmClockPlus → const IconData
- alarm-clock-plus
- alarmSmoke → const IconData
- alarm-smoke
- album → const IconData
- album
- alignCenter → const IconData
- align-center
- alignCenterHorizontal → const IconData
- align-center-horizontal
- alignCenterVertical → const IconData
- align-center-vertical
- alignEndHorizontal → const IconData
- align-end-horizontal
- alignEndVertical → const IconData
- align-end-vertical
- alignHorizontalDistributeCenter → const IconData
- align-horizontal-distribute-center
- alignHorizontalDistributeEnd → const IconData
- align-horizontal-distribute-end
- alignHorizontalDistributeStart → const IconData
- align-horizontal-distribute-start
- alignHorizontalJustifyCenter → const IconData
- align-horizontal-justify-center
- alignHorizontalJustifyEnd → const IconData
- align-horizontal-justify-end
- alignHorizontalJustifyStart → const IconData
- align-horizontal-justify-start
- alignHorizontalSpaceAround → const IconData
- align-horizontal-space-around
- alignHorizontalSpaceBetween → const IconData
- align-horizontal-space-between
- alignJustify → const IconData
- align-justify
- alignLeft → const IconData
- align-left
- alignRight → const IconData
- align-right
- alignStartHorizontal → const IconData
- align-start-horizontal
- alignStartVertical → const IconData
- align-start-vertical
- alignVerticalDistributeCenter → const IconData
- align-vertical-distribute-center
- alignVerticalDistributeEnd → const IconData
- align-vertical-distribute-end
- alignVerticalDistributeStart → const IconData
- align-vertical-distribute-start
- alignVerticalJustifyCenter → const IconData
- align-vertical-justify-center
- alignVerticalJustifyEnd → const IconData
- align-vertical-justify-end
- alignVerticalJustifyStart → const IconData
- align-vertical-justify-start
- alignVerticalSpaceAround → const IconData
- align-vertical-space-around
- alignVerticalSpaceBetween → const IconData
- align-vertical-space-between
- ambulance → const IconData
- ambulance
- ampersand → const IconData
- ampersand
- ampersands → const IconData
- ampersands
- amphora → const IconData
- amphora
- anchor → const IconData
- anchor
- angry → const IconData
- angry
- annoyed → const IconData
- annoyed
- antenna → const IconData
- antenna
- anvil → const IconData
- anvil
- aperture → const IconData
- aperture
- apple → const IconData
- apple
- appWindow → const IconData
- app-window
- appWindowMac → const IconData
- app-window-mac
- archive → const IconData
- archive
- archiveRestore → const IconData
- archive-restore
- archiveX → const IconData
- archive-x
- armchair → const IconData
- armchair
- arrowBigDown → const IconData
- arrow-big-down
- arrowBigDownDash → const IconData
- arrow-big-down-dash
- arrowBigLeft → const IconData
- arrow-big-left
- arrowBigLeftDash → const IconData
- arrow-big-left-dash
- arrowBigRight → const IconData
- arrow-big-right
- arrowBigRightDash → const IconData
- arrow-big-right-dash
- arrowBigUp → const IconData
- arrow-big-up
- arrowBigUpDash → const IconData
- arrow-big-up-dash
- arrowDown → const IconData
- arrow-down
- arrowDown01 → const IconData
- arrow-down-0-1
- arrowDown10 → const IconData
- arrow-down-1-0
- arrowDownAZ → const IconData
- arrow-down-a-z
- arrowDownFromLine → const IconData
- arrow-down-from-line
- arrowDownLeft → const IconData
- arrow-down-left
- arrowDownNarrowWide → const IconData
- arrow-down-narrow-wide
- arrowDownRight → const IconData
- arrow-down-right
- arrowDownToDot → const IconData
- arrow-down-to-dot
- arrowDownToLine → const IconData
- arrow-down-to-line
- arrowDownUp → const IconData
- arrow-down-up
- arrowDownWideNarrow → const IconData
- arrow-down-wide-narrow
- arrowDownZA → const IconData
- arrow-down-z-a
- arrowLeft → const IconData
- arrow-left
- arrowLeftFromLine → const IconData
- arrow-left-from-line
- arrowLeftRight → const IconData
- arrow-left-right
- arrowLeftToLine → const IconData
- arrow-left-to-line
- arrowRight → const IconData
- arrow-right
- arrowRightFromLine → const IconData
- arrow-right-from-line
- arrowRightLeft → const IconData
- arrow-right-left
- arrowRightToLine → const IconData
- arrow-right-to-line
- arrowsUpFromLine → const IconData
- arrows-up-from-line
- arrowUp → const IconData
- arrow-up
- arrowUp01 → const IconData
- arrow-up-0-1
- arrowUp10 → const IconData
- arrow-up-1-0
- arrowUpAZ → const IconData
- arrow-up-a-z
- arrowUpDown → const IconData
- arrow-up-down
- arrowUpFromDot → const IconData
- arrow-up-from-dot
- arrowUpFromLine → const IconData
- arrow-up-from-line
- arrowUpLeft → const IconData
- arrow-up-left
- arrowUpNarrowWide → const IconData
- arrow-up-narrow-wide
- arrowUpRight → const IconData
- arrow-up-right
- arrowUpToLine → const IconData
- arrow-up-to-line
- arrowUpWideNarrow → const IconData
- arrow-up-wide-narrow
- arrowUpZA → const IconData
- arrow-up-z-a
- asterisk → const IconData
- asterisk
- atom → const IconData
- atom
- atSign → const IconData
- at-sign
- audioLines → const IconData
- audio-lines
- audioWaveform → const IconData
- audio-waveform
- award → const IconData
- award
- axe → const IconData
- axe
- axis3d → const IconData
- axis-3d
- baby → const IconData
- baby
- backpack → const IconData
- backpack
- badge → const IconData
- badge
- badgeAlert → const IconData
- badge-alert
- badgeCent → const IconData
- badge-cent
- badgeCheck → const IconData
- badge-check
- badgeDollarSign → const IconData
- badge-dollar-sign
- badgeEuro → const IconData
- badge-euro
- badgeHelp → const IconData
- badge-help
- badgeIndianRupee → const IconData
- badge-indian-rupee
- badgeInfo → const IconData
- badge-info
- badgeJapaneseYen → const IconData
- badge-japanese-yen
- badgeMinus → const IconData
- badge-minus
- badgePercent → const IconData
- badge-percent
- badgePlus → const IconData
- badge-plus
- badgePoundSterling → const IconData
- badge-pound-sterling
- badgeRussianRuble → const IconData
- badge-russian-ruble
- badgeSwissFranc → const IconData
- badge-swiss-franc
- badgeX → const IconData
- badge-x
- baggageClaim → const IconData
- baggage-claim
- ban → const IconData
- ban
- banana → const IconData
- banana
- bandage → const IconData
- bandage
- banknote → const IconData
- banknote
- barcode → const IconData
- barcode
- baseline → const IconData
- baseline
- bath → const IconData
- bath
- battery → const IconData
- battery
- batteryCharging → const IconData
- battery-charging
- batteryFull → const IconData
- battery-full
- batteryLow → const IconData
- battery-low
- batteryMedium → const IconData
- battery-medium
- batteryPlus → const IconData
- battery-plus
- batteryWarning → const IconData
- battery-warning
- beaker → const IconData
- beaker
- bean → const IconData
- bean
- beanOff → const IconData
- bean-off
- bed → const IconData
- bed
- bedDouble → const IconData
- bed-double
- bedSingle → const IconData
- bed-single
- beef → const IconData
- beef
- beer → const IconData
- beer
- beerOff → const IconData
- beer-off
- bell → const IconData
- bell
- bellDot → const IconData
- bell-dot
- bellElectric → const IconData
- bell-electric
- bellMinus → const IconData
- bell-minus
- bellOff → const IconData
- bell-off
- bellPlus → const IconData
- bell-plus
- bellRing → const IconData
- bell-ring
- betweenHorizontalEnd → const IconData
- between-horizontal-end
- betweenHorizontalStart → const IconData
- between-horizontal-start
- betweenVerticalEnd → const IconData
- between-vertical-end
- betweenVerticalStart → const IconData
- between-vertical-start
- bicepsFlexed → const IconData
- biceps-flexed
- bike → const IconData
- bike
- binary → const IconData
- binary
- binoculars → const IconData
- binoculars
- biohazard → const IconData
- biohazard
- bird → const IconData
- bird
- bitcoin → const IconData
- bitcoin
- blend → const IconData
- blend
- blinds → const IconData
- blinds
- blocks → const IconData
- blocks
- bluetooth → const IconData
- bluetooth
- bluetoothConnected → const IconData
- bluetooth-connected
- bluetoothOff → const IconData
- bluetooth-off
- bluetoothSearching → const IconData
- bluetooth-searching
- bold → const IconData
- bold
- bolt → const IconData
- bolt
- bomb → const IconData
- bomb
- bone → const IconData
- bone
- book → const IconData
- book
- bookA → const IconData
- book-a
- bookAudio → const IconData
- book-audio
- bookCheck → const IconData
- book-check
- bookCopy → const IconData
- book-copy
- bookDashed → const IconData
- book-dashed
- bookDown → const IconData
- book-down
- bookHeadphones → const IconData
- book-headphones
- bookHeart → const IconData
- book-heart
- bookImage → const IconData
- book-image
- bookKey → const IconData
- book-key
- bookLock → const IconData
- book-lock
- bookmark → const IconData
- bookmark
- bookmarkCheck → const IconData
- bookmark-check
- bookMarked → const IconData
- book-marked
- bookmarkMinus → const IconData
- bookmark-minus
- bookmarkPlus → const IconData
- bookmark-plus
- bookmarkX → const IconData
- bookmark-x
- bookMinus → const IconData
- book-minus
- bookOpen → const IconData
- book-open
- bookOpenCheck → const IconData
- book-open-check
- bookOpenText → const IconData
- book-open-text
- bookPlus → const IconData
- book-plus
- bookText → const IconData
- book-text
- bookType → const IconData
- book-type
- bookUp → const IconData
- book-up
- bookUp2 → const IconData
- book-up-2
- bookUser → const IconData
- book-user
- bookX → const IconData
- book-x
- boomBox → const IconData
- boom-box
- bot → const IconData
- bot
- botMessageSquare → const IconData
- bot-message-square
- botOff → const IconData
- bot-off
- box → const IconData
- box
- boxes → const IconData
- boxes
- braces → const IconData
- braces
- brackets → const IconData
- brackets
- brain → const IconData
- brain
- brainCircuit → const IconData
- brain-circuit
- brainCog → const IconData
- brain-cog
- brickWall → const IconData
- brick-wall
- briefcase → const IconData
- briefcase
- briefcaseBusiness → const IconData
- briefcase-business
- briefcaseConveyorBelt → const IconData
- briefcase-conveyor-belt
- briefcaseMedical → const IconData
- briefcase-medical
- bringToFront → const IconData
- bring-to-front
- brush → const IconData
- brush
- bug → const IconData
- bug
- bugOff → const IconData
- bug-off
- bugPlay → const IconData
- bug-play
- building → const IconData
- building
- building2 → const IconData
- building-2
- bus → const IconData
- bus
- busFront → const IconData
- bus-front
- cable → const IconData
- cable
- cableCar → const IconData
- cable-car
- cake → const IconData
- cake
- cakeSlice → const IconData
- cake-slice
- calculator → const IconData
- calculator
- calendar → const IconData
- calendar
- calendar1 → const IconData
- calendar-1
- calendarArrowDown → const IconData
- calendar-arrow-down
- calendarArrowUp → const IconData
- calendar-arrow-up
- calendarCheck → const IconData
- calendar-check
- calendarCheck2 → const IconData
- calendar-check-2
- calendarClock → const IconData
- calendar-clock
- calendarCog → const IconData
- calendar-cog
- calendarDays → const IconData
- calendar-days
- calendarFold → const IconData
- calendar-fold
- calendarHeart → const IconData
- calendar-heart
- calendarMinus → const IconData
- calendar-minus
- calendarMinus2 → const IconData
- calendar-minus-2
- calendarOff → const IconData
- calendar-off
- calendarPlus → const IconData
- calendar-plus
- calendarPlus2 → const IconData
- calendar-plus-2
- calendarRange → const IconData
- calendar-range
- calendarSearch → const IconData
- calendar-search
- calendarSync → const IconData
- calendar-sync
- calendarX → const IconData
- calendar-x
- calendarX2 → const IconData
- calendar-x-2
- camera → const IconData
- camera
- cameraOff → const IconData
- camera-off
- candy → const IconData
- candy
- candyCane → const IconData
- candy-cane
- candyOff → const IconData
- candy-off
- cannabis → const IconData
- cannabis
- captions → const IconData
- captions
- captionsOff → const IconData
- captions-off
- car → const IconData
- car
- caravan → const IconData
- caravan
- carFront → const IconData
- car-front
- carrot → const IconData
- carrot
- carTaxiFront → const IconData
- car-taxi-front
- caseLower → const IconData
- case-lower
- caseSensitive → const IconData
- case-sensitive
- caseUpper → const IconData
- case-upper
- cassetteTape → const IconData
- cassette-tape
- cast → const IconData
- cast
- castle → const IconData
- castle
- cat → const IconData
- cat
- cctv → const IconData
- cctv
- chartArea → const IconData
- chart-area
- chartBar → const IconData
- chart-bar
- chartBarBig → const IconData
- chart-bar-big
- chartBarDecreasing → const IconData
- chart-bar-decreasing
- chartBarIncreasing → const IconData
- chart-bar-increasing
- chartBarStacked → const IconData
- chart-bar-stacked
- chartCandlestick → const IconData
- chart-candlestick
- chartColumn → const IconData
- chart-column
- chartColumnBig → const IconData
- chart-column-big
- chartColumnDecreasing → const IconData
- chart-column-decreasing
- chartColumnIncreasing → const IconData
- chart-column-increasing
- chartColumnStacked → const IconData
- chart-column-stacked
- chartGantt → const IconData
- chart-gantt
- chartLine → const IconData
- chart-line
- chartNetwork → const IconData
- chart-network
- chartNoAxesColumn → const IconData
- chart-no-axes-column
- chartNoAxesColumnDecreasing → const IconData
- chart-no-axes-column-decreasing
- chartNoAxesColumnIncreasing → const IconData
- chart-no-axes-column-increasing
- chartNoAxesCombined → const IconData
- chart-no-axes-combined
- chartNoAxesGantt → const IconData
- chart-no-axes-gantt
- chartPie → const IconData
- chart-pie
- chartScatter → const IconData
- chart-scatter
- chartSpline → const IconData
- chart-spline
- check → const IconData
- check
- checkCheck → const IconData
- check-check
- chefHat → const IconData
- chef-hat
- cherry → const IconData
- cherry
- chevronDown → const IconData
- chevron-down
- chevronFirst → const IconData
- chevron-first
- chevronLast → const IconData
- chevron-last
- chevronLeft → const IconData
- chevron-left
- chevronRight → const IconData
- chevron-right
- chevronsDown → const IconData
- chevrons-down
- chevronsDownUp → const IconData
- chevrons-down-up
- chevronsLeft → const IconData
- chevrons-left
- chevronsLeftRight → const IconData
- chevrons-left-right
- chevronsLeftRightEllipsis → const IconData
- chevrons-left-right-ellipsis
- chevronsRight → const IconData
- chevrons-right
- chevronsRightLeft → const IconData
- chevrons-right-left
- chevronsUp → const IconData
- chevrons-up
- chevronsUpDown → const IconData
- chevrons-up-down
- chevronUp → const IconData
- chevron-up
- chrome → const IconData
- chrome
- church → const IconData
- church
- cigarette → const IconData
- cigarette
- cigaretteOff → const IconData
- cigarette-off
- circle → const IconData
- circle
- circleAlert → const IconData
- circle-alert
- circleArrowDown → const IconData
- circle-arrow-down
- circleArrowLeft → const IconData
- circle-arrow-left
- circleArrowOutDownLeft → const IconData
- circle-arrow-out-down-left
- circleArrowOutDownRight → const IconData
- circle-arrow-out-down-right
- circleArrowOutUpLeft → const IconData
- circle-arrow-out-up-left
- circleArrowOutUpRight → const IconData
- circle-arrow-out-up-right
- circleArrowRight → const IconData
- circle-arrow-right
- circleArrowUp → const IconData
- circle-arrow-up
- circleCheck → const IconData
- circle-check
- circleCheckBig → const IconData
- circle-check-big
- circleChevronDown → const IconData
- circle-chevron-down
- circleChevronLeft → const IconData
- circle-chevron-left
- circleChevronRight → const IconData
- circle-chevron-right
- circleChevronUp → const IconData
- circle-chevron-up
- circleDashed → const IconData
- circle-dashed
- circleDivide → const IconData
- circle-divide
- circleDollarSign → const IconData
- circle-dollar-sign
- circleDot → const IconData
- circle-dot
- circleDotDashed → const IconData
- circle-dot-dashed
- circleEllipsis → const IconData
- circle-ellipsis
- circleEqual → const IconData
- circle-equal
- circleFadingArrowUp → const IconData
- circle-fading-arrow-up
- circleFadingPlus → const IconData
- circle-fading-plus
- circleGauge → const IconData
- circle-gauge
- circleHelp → const IconData
- circle-help
- circleMinus → const IconData
- circle-minus
- circleOff → const IconData
- circle-off
- circleParking → const IconData
- circle-parking
- circleParkingOff → const IconData
- circle-parking-off
- circlePause → const IconData
- circle-pause
- circlePercent → const IconData
- circle-percent
- circlePlay → const IconData
- circle-play
- circlePlus → const IconData
- circle-plus
- circlePower → const IconData
- circle-power
- circleSlash → const IconData
- circle-slash
- circleSlash2 → const IconData
- circle-slash-2
- circleStop → const IconData
- circle-stop
- circleUser → const IconData
- circle-user
- circleUserRound → const IconData
- circle-user-round
- circleX → const IconData
- circle-x
- circuitBoard → const IconData
- circuit-board
- citrus → const IconData
- citrus
- clapperboard → const IconData
- clapperboard
- clipboard → const IconData
- clipboard
- clipboardCheck → const IconData
- clipboard-check
- clipboardCopy → const IconData
- clipboard-copy
- clipboardList → const IconData
- clipboard-list
- clipboardMinus → const IconData
- clipboard-minus
- clipboardPaste → const IconData
- clipboard-paste
- clipboardPen → const IconData
- clipboard-pen
- clipboardPenLine → const IconData
- clipboard-pen-line
- clipboardPlus → const IconData
- clipboard-plus
- clipboardType → const IconData
- clipboard-type
- clipboardX → const IconData
- clipboard-x
- clock → const IconData
- clock
- clock1 → const IconData
- clock-1
- clock2 → const IconData
- clock-2
- clock3 → const IconData
- clock-3
- clock4 → const IconData
- clock-4
- clock5 → const IconData
- clock-5
- clock6 → const IconData
- clock-6
- clock7 → const IconData
- clock-7
- clock8 → const IconData
- clock-8
- clock9 → const IconData
- clock-9
- clock10 → const IconData
- clock-10
- clock11 → const IconData
- clock-11
- clock12 → const IconData
- clock-12
- clockAlert → const IconData
- clock-alert
- clockArrowDown → const IconData
- clock-arrow-down
- clockArrowUp → const IconData
- clock-arrow-up
- cloud → const IconData
- cloud
- cloudAlert → const IconData
- cloud-alert
- cloudCog → const IconData
- cloud-cog
- cloudDownload → const IconData
- cloud-download
- cloudDrizzle → const IconData
- cloud-drizzle
- cloudFog → const IconData
- cloud-fog
- cloudHail → const IconData
- cloud-hail
- cloudLightning → const IconData
- cloud-lightning
- cloudMoon → const IconData
- cloud-moon
- cloudMoonRain → const IconData
- cloud-moon-rain
- cloudOff → const IconData
- cloud-off
- cloudRain → const IconData
- cloud-rain
- cloudRainWind → const IconData
- cloud-rain-wind
- cloudSnow → const IconData
- cloud-snow
- cloudSun → const IconData
- cloud-sun
- cloudSunRain → const IconData
- cloud-sun-rain
- cloudUpload → const IconData
- cloud-upload
- cloudy → const IconData
- cloudy
- clover → const IconData
- clover
- club → const IconData
- club
- code → const IconData
- code
- codepen → const IconData
- codepen
- codesandbox → const IconData
- codesandbox
- codeXml → const IconData
- code-xml
- coffee → const IconData
- coffee
- cog → const IconData
- cog
- coins → const IconData
- coins
- columns2 → const IconData
- columns-2
- columns3 → const IconData
- columns-3
- columns4 → const IconData
- columns-4
- combine → const IconData
- combine
- command → const IconData
- command
- compass → const IconData
- compass
- component → const IconData
- component
- computer → const IconData
- computer
- conciergeBell → const IconData
- concierge-bell
- cone → const IconData
- cone
- construction → const IconData
- construction
- contact → const IconData
- contact
- contactRound → const IconData
- contact-round
- container → const IconData
- container
- contrast → const IconData
- contrast
- cookie
- cookingPot → const IconData
- cooking-pot
- copy → const IconData
- copy
- copyCheck → const IconData
- copy-check
- copyleft → const IconData
- copyleft
- copyMinus → const IconData
- copy-minus
- copyPlus → const IconData
- copy-plus
- copyright → const IconData
- copyright
- copySlash → const IconData
- copy-slash
- copyX → const IconData
- copy-x
- cornerDownLeft → const IconData
- corner-down-left
- cornerDownRight → const IconData
- corner-down-right
- cornerLeftDown → const IconData
- corner-left-down
- cornerLeftUp → const IconData
- corner-left-up
- cornerRightDown → const IconData
- corner-right-down
- cornerRightUp → const IconData
- corner-right-up
- cornerUpLeft → const IconData
- corner-up-left
- cornerUpRight → const IconData
- corner-up-right
- cpu → const IconData
- cpu
- creativeCommons → const IconData
- creative-commons
- creditCard → const IconData
- credit-card
- croissant → const IconData
- croissant
- crop → const IconData
- crop
- cross → const IconData
- cross
- crosshair → const IconData
- crosshair
- crown → const IconData
- crown
- cuboid → const IconData
- cuboid
- cupSoda → const IconData
- cup-soda
- currency → const IconData
- currency
- cylinder → const IconData
- cylinder
- dam → const IconData
- dam
- database → const IconData
- database
- databaseBackup → const IconData
- database-backup
- databaseZap → const IconData
- database-zap
- delete → const IconData
- delete
- dessert → const IconData
- dessert
- diameter → const IconData
- diameter
- diamond → const IconData
- diamond
- diamondMinus → const IconData
- diamond-minus
- diamondPercent → const IconData
- diamond-percent
- diamondPlus → const IconData
- diamond-plus
- dice1 → const IconData
- dice-1
- dice2 → const IconData
- dice-2
- dice3 → const IconData
- dice-3
- dice4 → const IconData
- dice-4
- dice5 → const IconData
- dice-5
- dice6 → const IconData
- dice-6
- dices → const IconData
- dices
- diff → const IconData
- diff
- disc → const IconData
- disc
- disc2 → const IconData
- disc-2
- disc3 → const IconData
- disc-3
- discAlbum → const IconData
- disc-album
- divide → const IconData
- divide
- dna → const IconData
- dna
- dnaOff → const IconData
- dna-off
- dock → const IconData
- dock
- dog → const IconData
- dog
- dollarSign → const IconData
- dollar-sign
- donut → const IconData
- donut
- doorClosed → const IconData
- door-closed
- doorOpen → const IconData
- door-open
- dot → const IconData
- dot
- download → const IconData
- download
- draftingCompass → const IconData
- drafting-compass
- drama → const IconData
- drama
- dribbble → const IconData
- dribbble
- drill → const IconData
- drill
- droplet → const IconData
- droplet
- dropletOff → const IconData
- droplet-off
- droplets → const IconData
- droplets
- drum → const IconData
- drum
- drumstick → const IconData
- drumstick
- dumbbell → const IconData
- dumbbell
- ear → const IconData
- ear
- earOff → const IconData
- ear-off
- earth → const IconData
- earth
- earthLock → const IconData
- earth-lock
- eclipse → const IconData
- eclipse
- egg → const IconData
- egg
- eggFried → const IconData
- egg-fried
- eggOff → const IconData
- egg-off
- ellipsis → const IconData
- ellipsis
- ellipsisVertical → const IconData
- ellipsis-vertical
- equal → const IconData
- equal
- equalApproximately → const IconData
- equal-approximately
- equalNot → const IconData
- equal-not
- eraser → const IconData
- eraser
- ethernetPort → const IconData
- ethernet-port
- euro → const IconData
- euro
- expand → const IconData
- expand
- externalLink → const IconData
- external-link
- eye → const IconData
- eye
- eyeClosed → const IconData
- eye-closed
- eyeOff → const IconData
- eye-off
- facebook → const IconData
- factory → const IconData
- factory
- fan → const IconData
- fan
- fastForward → const IconData
- fast-forward
- feather → const IconData
- feather
- fence → const IconData
- fence
- ferrisWheel → const IconData
- ferris-wheel
- figma → const IconData
- figma
- file → const IconData
- file
- fileArchive → const IconData
- file-archive
- fileAudio → const IconData
- file-audio
- fileAudio2 → const IconData
- file-audio-2
- fileAxis3d → const IconData
- file-axis-3d
- fileBadge → const IconData
- file-badge
- fileBadge2 → const IconData
- file-badge-2
- fileBox → const IconData
- file-box
- fileChartColumn → const IconData
- file-chart-column
- fileChartColumnIncreasing → const IconData
- file-chart-column-increasing
- fileChartLine → const IconData
- file-chart-line
- fileChartPie → const IconData
- file-chart-pie
- fileCheck → const IconData
- file-check
- fileCheck2 → const IconData
- file-check-2
- fileClock → const IconData
- file-clock
- fileCode → const IconData
- file-code
- fileCode2 → const IconData
- file-code-2
- fileCog → const IconData
- file-cog
- fileDiff → const IconData
- file-diff
- fileDigit → const IconData
- file-digit
- fileDown → const IconData
- file-down
- fileHeart → const IconData
- file-heart
- fileImage → const IconData
- file-image
- fileInput → const IconData
- file-input
- fileJson → const IconData
- file-json
- fileJson2 → const IconData
- file-json-2
- fileKey → const IconData
- file-key
- fileKey2 → const IconData
- file-key-2
- fileLock → const IconData
- file-lock
- fileLock2 → const IconData
- file-lock-2
- fileMinus → const IconData
- file-minus
- fileMinus2 → const IconData
- file-minus-2
- fileMusic → const IconData
- file-music
- fileOutput → const IconData
- file-output
- filePen → const IconData
- file-pen
- filePenLine → const IconData
- file-pen-line
- filePlus → const IconData
- file-plus
- filePlus2 → const IconData
- file-plus-2
- fileQuestion → const IconData
- file-question
- files → const IconData
- files
- fileScan → const IconData
- file-scan
- fileSearch → const IconData
- file-search
- fileSearch2 → const IconData
- file-search-2
- fileSliders → const IconData
- file-sliders
- fileSpreadsheet → const IconData
- file-spreadsheet
- fileStack → const IconData
- file-stack
- fileSymlink → const IconData
- file-symlink
- fileTerminal → const IconData
- file-terminal
- fileText → const IconData
- file-text
- fileType → const IconData
- file-type
- fileType2 → const IconData
- file-type-2
- fileUp → const IconData
- file-up
- fileUser → const IconData
- file-user
- fileVideo → const IconData
- file-video
- fileVideo2 → const IconData
- file-video-2
- fileVolume → const IconData
- file-volume
- fileVolume2 → const IconData
- file-volume-2
- fileWarning → const IconData
- file-warning
- fileX → const IconData
- file-x
- fileX2 → const IconData
- file-x-2
- film → const IconData
- film
- filter → const IconData
- filter
- filterX → const IconData
- filter-x
- fingerprint → const IconData
- fingerprint
- fireExtinguisher → const IconData
- fire-extinguisher
- fish → const IconData
- fish
- fishOff → const IconData
- fish-off
- fishSymbol → const IconData
- fish-symbol
- flag → const IconData
- flag
- flagOff → const IconData
- flag-off
- flagTriangleLeft → const IconData
- flag-triangle-left
- flagTriangleRight → const IconData
- flag-triangle-right
- flame → const IconData
- flame
- flameKindling → const IconData
- flame-kindling
- flashlight → const IconData
- flashlight
- flashlightOff → const IconData
- flashlight-off
- flaskConical → const IconData
- flask-conical
- flaskConicalOff → const IconData
- flask-conical-off
- flaskRound → const IconData
- flask-round
- flipHorizontal → const IconData
- flip-horizontal
- flipHorizontal2 → const IconData
- flip-horizontal-2
- flipVertical → const IconData
- flip-vertical
- flipVertical2 → const IconData
- flip-vertical-2
- flower → const IconData
- flower
- flower2 → const IconData
- flower-2
- focus → const IconData
- focus
- folder → const IconData
- folder
- folderArchive → const IconData
- folder-archive
- folderCheck → const IconData
- folder-check
- folderClock → const IconData
- folder-clock
- folderClosed → const IconData
- folder-closed
- folderCode → const IconData
- folder-code
- folderCog → const IconData
- folder-cog
- folderDot → const IconData
- folder-dot
- folderDown → const IconData
- folder-down
- folderGit → const IconData
- folder-git
- folderGit2 → const IconData
- folder-git-2
- folderHeart → const IconData
- folder-heart
- folderInput → const IconData
- folder-input
- folderKanban → const IconData
- folder-kanban
- folderKey → const IconData
- folder-key
- folderLock → const IconData
- folder-lock
- folderMinus → const IconData
- folder-minus
- folderOpen → const IconData
- folder-open
- folderOpenDot → const IconData
- folder-open-dot
- folderOutput → const IconData
- folder-output
- folderPen → const IconData
- folder-pen
- folderPlus → const IconData
- folder-plus
- folderRoot → const IconData
- folder-root
- folders → const IconData
- folders
- folderSearch → const IconData
- folder-search
- folderSearch2 → const IconData
- folder-search-2
- folderSymlink → const IconData
- folder-symlink
- folderSync → const IconData
- folder-sync
- folderTree → const IconData
- folder-tree
- folderUp → const IconData
- folder-up
- folderX → const IconData
- folder-x
- foldHorizontal → const IconData
- fold-horizontal
- foldVertical → const IconData
- fold-vertical
- footprints → const IconData
- footprints
- forklift → const IconData
- forklift
- forward → const IconData
- forward
- frame → const IconData
- frame
- framer → const IconData
- framer
- frown → const IconData
- frown
- fuel → const IconData
- fuel
- fullscreen → const IconData
- fullscreen
- galleryHorizontal → const IconData
- gallery-horizontal
- galleryHorizontalEnd → const IconData
- gallery-horizontal-end
- galleryThumbnails → const IconData
- gallery-thumbnails
- galleryVertical → const IconData
- gallery-vertical
- galleryVerticalEnd → const IconData
- gallery-vertical-end
- gamepad → const IconData
- gamepad
- gamepad2 → const IconData
- gamepad-2
- gauge → const IconData
- gauge
- gavel → const IconData
- gavel
- gem → const IconData
- gem
- ghost → const IconData
- ghost
- gift → const IconData
- gift
- gitBranch → const IconData
- git-branch
- gitBranchPlus → const IconData
- git-branch-plus
- gitCommitHorizontal → const IconData
- git-commit-horizontal
- gitCommitVertical → const IconData
- git-commit-vertical
- gitCompare → const IconData
- git-compare
- gitCompareArrows → const IconData
- git-compare-arrows
- gitFork → const IconData
- git-fork
- gitGraph → const IconData
- git-graph
- github → const IconData
- github
- gitlab → const IconData
- gitlab
- gitMerge → const IconData
- git-merge
- gitPullRequest → const IconData
- git-pull-request
- gitPullRequestArrow → const IconData
- git-pull-request-arrow
- gitPullRequestClosed → const IconData
- git-pull-request-closed
- gitPullRequestCreate → const IconData
- git-pull-request-create
- gitPullRequestCreateArrow → const IconData
- git-pull-request-create-arrow
- gitPullRequestDraft → const IconData
- git-pull-request-draft
- glasses → const IconData
- glasses
- glassWater → const IconData
- glass-water
- globe → const IconData
- globe
- globeLock → const IconData
- globe-lock
- goal → const IconData
- goal
- grab → const IconData
- grab
- graduationCap → const IconData
- graduation-cap
- grape → const IconData
- grape
- grid2x2 → const IconData
- grid-2x2
- grid2x2Check → const IconData
- grid-2x2-check
- grid2x2Plus → const IconData
- grid-2x2-plus
- grid2x2X → const IconData
- grid-2x2-x
- grid3x3 → const IconData
- grid-3x3
- grip → const IconData
- grip
- gripHorizontal → const IconData
- grip-horizontal
- gripVertical → const IconData
- grip-vertical
- group → const IconData
- group
- guitar → const IconData
- guitar
- ham → const IconData
- ham
- hammer → const IconData
- hammer
- hand → const IconData
- hand
- handCoins → const IconData
- hand-coins
- handHeart → const IconData
- hand-heart
- handHelping → const IconData
- hand-helping
- handMetal → const IconData
- hand-metal
- handPlatter → const IconData
- hand-platter
- handshake → const IconData
- handshake
- hardDrive → const IconData
- hard-drive
- hardDriveDownload → const IconData
- hard-drive-download
- hardDriveUpload → const IconData
- hard-drive-upload
- hardHat → const IconData
- hard-hat
- hash → const IconData
- hash
- haze → const IconData
- haze
- hdmiPort → const IconData
- hdmi-port
- heading → const IconData
- heading
- heading1 → const IconData
- heading-1
- heading2 → const IconData
- heading-2
- heading3 → const IconData
- heading-3
- heading4 → const IconData
- heading-4
- heading5 → const IconData
- heading-5
- heading6 → const IconData
- heading-6
- headphoneOff → const IconData
- headphone-off
- headphones → const IconData
- headphones
- headset → const IconData
- headset
- heart → const IconData
- heart
- heartCrack → const IconData
- heart-crack
- heartHandshake → const IconData
- heart-handshake
- heartOff → const IconData
- heart-off
- heartPulse → const IconData
- heart-pulse
- heater → const IconData
- heater
- hexagon → const IconData
- hexagon
- highlighter → const IconData
- highlighter
- history → const IconData
- history
- hop → const IconData
- hop
- hopOff → const IconData
- hop-off
- hospital → const IconData
- hospital
- hotel → const IconData
- hotel
- hourglass → const IconData
- hourglass
- house → const IconData
- house
- housePlug → const IconData
- house-plug
- housePlus → const IconData
- house-plus
- houseWifi → const IconData
- house-wifi
- iceCreamBowl → const IconData
- ice-cream-bowl
- iceCreamCone → const IconData
- ice-cream-cone
- idCard → const IconData
- id-card
- image → const IconData
- image
- imageDown → const IconData
- image-down
- imageMinus → const IconData
- image-minus
- imageOff → const IconData
- image-off
- imagePlay → const IconData
- image-play
- imagePlus → const IconData
- image-plus
- images → const IconData
- images
- imageUp → const IconData
- image-up
- imageUpscale → const IconData
- image-upscale
- import → const IconData
- import
- inbox → const IconData
- inbox
- indentDecrease → const IconData
- indent-decrease
- indentIncrease → const IconData
- indent-increase
- indianRupee → const IconData
- indian-rupee
- infinity → const IconData
- infinity
- info → const IconData
- info
- inspectionPanel → const IconData
- inspection-panel
- instagram → const IconData
- italic → const IconData
- italic
- iterationCcw → const IconData
- iteration-ccw
- iterationCw → const IconData
- iteration-cw
- japaneseYen → const IconData
- japanese-yen
- joystick → const IconData
- joystick
- kanban → const IconData
- kanban
- key → const IconData
- key
- keyboard → const IconData
- keyboard
- keyboardMusic → const IconData
- keyboard-music
- keyboardOff → const IconData
- keyboard-off
- keyRound → const IconData
- key-round
- keySquare → const IconData
- key-square
- lamp → const IconData
- lamp
- lampCeiling → const IconData
- lamp-ceiling
- lampDesk → const IconData
- lamp-desk
- lampFloor → const IconData
- lamp-floor
- lampWallDown → const IconData
- lamp-wall-down
- lampWallUp → const IconData
- lamp-wall-up
- landmark → const IconData
- landmark
- landPlot → const IconData
- land-plot
- languages → const IconData
- languages
- laptop → const IconData
- laptop
- laptopMinimal → const IconData
- laptop-minimal
- laptopMinimalCheck → const IconData
- laptop-minimal-check
- lasso → const IconData
- lasso
- lassoSelect → const IconData
- lasso-select
- laugh → const IconData
- laugh
- layers → const IconData
- layers
- layers2 → const IconData
- layers-2
- layoutDashboard → const IconData
- layout-dashboard
- layoutGrid → const IconData
- layout-grid
- layoutList → const IconData
- layout-list
- layoutPanelLeft → const IconData
- layout-panel-left
- layoutPanelTop → const IconData
- layout-panel-top
- layoutTemplate → const IconData
- layout-template
- leaf → const IconData
- leaf
- leafyGreen → const IconData
- leafy-green
- lectern → const IconData
- lectern
- letterText → const IconData
- letter-text
- library → const IconData
- library
- libraryBig → const IconData
- library-big
- lifeBuoy → const IconData
- life-buoy
- ligature → const IconData
- ligature
- lightbulb → const IconData
- lightbulb
- lightbulbOff → const IconData
- lightbulb-off
- link → const IconData
- link
- link2 → const IconData
- link-2
- link2Off → const IconData
- link-2-off
- linkedin → const IconData
- list → const IconData
- list
- listCheck → const IconData
- list-check
- listChecks → const IconData
- list-checks
- listCollapse → const IconData
- list-collapse
- listEnd → const IconData
- list-end
- listFilter → const IconData
- list-filter
- listFilterPlus → const IconData
- list-filter-plus
- listMinus → const IconData
- list-minus
- listMusic → const IconData
- list-music
- listOrdered → const IconData
- list-ordered
- listPlus → const IconData
- list-plus
- listRestart → const IconData
- list-restart
- listStart → const IconData
- list-start
- listTodo → const IconData
- list-todo
- listTree → const IconData
- list-tree
- listVideo → const IconData
- list-video
- listX → const IconData
- list-x
- loader → const IconData
- loader
- loaderCircle → const IconData
- loader-circle
- loaderPinwheel → const IconData
- loader-pinwheel
- locate → const IconData
- locate
- locateFixed → const IconData
- locate-fixed
- locateOff → const IconData
- locate-off
- lock → const IconData
- lock
- lockKeyhole → const IconData
- lock-keyhole
- lockKeyholeOpen → const IconData
- lock-keyhole-open
- lockOpen → const IconData
- lock-open
- logIn → const IconData
- log-in
- logOut → const IconData
- log-out
- logs → const IconData
- logs
- lollipop → const IconData
- lollipop
- luggage → const IconData
- luggage
- magnet → const IconData
- magnet
- mail → const IconData
- mailbox → const IconData
- mailbox
- mailCheck → const IconData
- mail-check
- mailMinus → const IconData
- mail-minus
- mailOpen → const IconData
- mail-open
- mailPlus → const IconData
- mail-plus
- mailQuestion → const IconData
- mail-question
- mails → const IconData
- mails
- mailSearch → const IconData
- mail-search
- mailWarning → const IconData
- mail-warning
- mailX → const IconData
- mail-x
- map → const IconData
- map
- mapPin → const IconData
- map-pin
- mapPinCheck → const IconData
- map-pin-check
- mapPinCheckInside → const IconData
- map-pin-check-inside
- mapPinHouse → const IconData
- map-pin-house
- mapPinMinus → const IconData
- map-pin-minus
- mapPinMinusInside → const IconData
- map-pin-minus-inside
- mapPinned → const IconData
- map-pinned
- mapPinOff → const IconData
- map-pin-off
- mapPinPlus → const IconData
- map-pin-plus
- mapPinPlusInside → const IconData
- map-pin-plus-inside
- mapPinX → const IconData
- map-pin-x
- mapPinXInside → const IconData
- map-pin-x-inside
- mapPlus → const IconData
- map-plus
- martini → const IconData
- martini
- maximize → const IconData
- maximize
- maximize2 → const IconData
- maximize-2
- medal → const IconData
- medal
- megaphone → const IconData
- megaphone
- megaphoneOff → const IconData
- megaphone-off
- meh → const IconData
- meh
- memoryStick → const IconData
- memory-stick
- menu
- merge → const IconData
- merge
- messageCircle → const IconData
- message-circle
- messageCircleCode → const IconData
- message-circle-code
- messageCircleDashed → const IconData
- message-circle-dashed
- messageCircleHeart → const IconData
- message-circle-heart
- messageCircleMore → const IconData
- message-circle-more
- messageCircleOff → const IconData
- message-circle-off
- messageCirclePlus → const IconData
- message-circle-plus
- messageCircleQuestion → const IconData
- message-circle-question
- messageCircleReply → const IconData
- message-circle-reply
- messageCircleWarning → const IconData
- message-circle-warning
- messageCircleX → const IconData
- message-circle-x
- messageSquare → const IconData
- message-square
- messageSquareCode → const IconData
- message-square-code
- messageSquareDashed → const IconData
- message-square-dashed
- messageSquareDiff → const IconData
- message-square-diff
- messageSquareDot → const IconData
- message-square-dot
- messageSquareHeart → const IconData
- message-square-heart
- messageSquareLock → const IconData
- message-square-lock
- messageSquareMore → const IconData
- message-square-more
- messageSquareOff → const IconData
- message-square-off
- messageSquarePlus → const IconData
- message-square-plus
- messageSquareQuote → const IconData
- message-square-quote
- messageSquareReply → const IconData
- message-square-reply
- message-square-share
- messageSquareText → const IconData
- message-square-text
- messageSquareWarning → const IconData
- message-square-warning
- messageSquareX → const IconData
- message-square-x
- messagesSquare → const IconData
- messages-square
- mic → const IconData
- mic
- micOff → const IconData
- mic-off
- microchip → const IconData
- microchip
- microscope → const IconData
- microscope
- microwave → const IconData
- microwave
- micVocal → const IconData
- mic-vocal
- milestone → const IconData
- milestone
- milk → const IconData
- milk
- milkOff → const IconData
- milk-off
- minimize → const IconData
- minimize
- minimize2 → const IconData
- minimize-2
- minus → const IconData
- minus
- monitor → const IconData
- monitor
- monitorCheck → const IconData
- monitor-check
- monitorCog → const IconData
- monitor-cog
- monitorDot → const IconData
- monitor-dot
- monitorDown → const IconData
- monitor-down
- monitorOff → const IconData
- monitor-off
- monitorPause → const IconData
- monitor-pause
- monitorPlay → const IconData
- monitor-play
- monitorSmartphone → const IconData
- monitor-smartphone
- monitorSpeaker → const IconData
- monitor-speaker
- monitorStop → const IconData
- monitor-stop
- monitorUp → const IconData
- monitor-up
- monitorX → const IconData
- monitor-x
- moon → const IconData
- moon
- moonStar → const IconData
- moon-star
- mountain → const IconData
- mountain
- mountainSnow → const IconData
- mountain-snow
- mouse → const IconData
- mouse
- mouseOff → const IconData
- mouse-off
- mousePointer → const IconData
- mouse-pointer
- mousePointer2 → const IconData
- mouse-pointer-2
- mousePointerBan → const IconData
- mouse-pointer-ban
- mousePointerClick → const IconData
- mouse-pointer-click
- move → const IconData
- move
- move3d → const IconData
- move-3d
- moveDiagonal → const IconData
- move-diagonal
- moveDiagonal2 → const IconData
- move-diagonal-2
- moveDown → const IconData
- move-down
- moveDownLeft → const IconData
- move-down-left
- moveDownRight → const IconData
- move-down-right
- moveHorizontal → const IconData
- move-horizontal
- moveLeft → const IconData
- move-left
- moveRight → const IconData
- move-right
- moveUp → const IconData
- move-up
- moveUpLeft → const IconData
- move-up-left
- moveUpRight → const IconData
- move-up-right
- moveVertical → const IconData
- move-vertical
- music → const IconData
- music
- music2 → const IconData
- music-2
- music3 → const IconData
- music-3
- music4 → const IconData
- music-4
- navigation
- navigation-2
- navigation-2-off
- navigation-off
- network → const IconData
- network
- newspaper → const IconData
- newspaper
- nfc → const IconData
- nfc
- notebook → const IconData
- notebook
- notebookPen → const IconData
- notebook-pen
- notebookTabs → const IconData
- notebook-tabs
- notebookText → const IconData
- notebook-text
- notepadText → const IconData
- notepad-text
- notepadTextDashed → const IconData
- notepad-text-dashed
- nut → const IconData
- nut
- nutOff → const IconData
- nut-off
- octagon → const IconData
- octagon
- octagonAlert → const IconData
- octagon-alert
- octagonMinus → const IconData
- octagon-minus
- octagonPause → const IconData
- octagon-pause
- octagonX → const IconData
- octagon-x
- omega → const IconData
- omega
- option → const IconData
- option
- orbit → const IconData
- orbit
- origami → const IconData
- origami
- package → const IconData
- package
- package2 → const IconData
- package-2
- packageCheck → const IconData
- package-check
- packageMinus → const IconData
- package-minus
- packageOpen → const IconData
- package-open
- packagePlus → const IconData
- package-plus
- packageSearch → const IconData
- package-search
- packageX → const IconData
- package-x
- paintbrush → const IconData
- paintbrush
- paintbrushVertical → const IconData
- paintbrush-vertical
- paintBucket → const IconData
- paint-bucket
- paintRoller → const IconData
- paint-roller
- palette → const IconData
- palette
- panelBottom → const IconData
- panel-bottom
- panelBottomClose → const IconData
- panel-bottom-close
- panelBottomDashed → const IconData
- panel-bottom-dashed
- panelBottomOpen → const IconData
- panel-bottom-open
- panelLeft → const IconData
- panel-left
- panelLeftClose → const IconData
- panel-left-close
- panelLeftDashed → const IconData
- panel-left-dashed
- panelLeftOpen → const IconData
- panel-left-open
- panelRight → const IconData
- panel-right
- panelRightClose → const IconData
- panel-right-close
- panelRightDashed → const IconData
- panel-right-dashed
- panelRightOpen → const IconData
- panel-right-open
- panelsLeftBottom → const IconData
- panels-left-bottom
- panelsRightBottom → const IconData
- panels-right-bottom
- panelsTopLeft → const IconData
- panels-top-left
- panelTop → const IconData
- panel-top
- panelTopClose → const IconData
- panel-top-close
- panelTopDashed → const IconData
- panel-top-dashed
- panelTopOpen → const IconData
- panel-top-open
- paperclip → const IconData
- paperclip
- parentheses → const IconData
- parentheses
- parkingMeter → const IconData
- parking-meter
- partyPopper → const IconData
- party-popper
- pause → const IconData
- pause
- pawPrint → const IconData
- paw-print
- pcCase → const IconData
- pc-case
- pen → const IconData
- pen
- pencil → const IconData
- pencil
- pencilLine → const IconData
- pencil-line
- pencilOff → const IconData
- pencil-off
- pencilRuler → const IconData
- pencil-ruler
- penLine → const IconData
- pen-line
- penOff → const IconData
- pen-off
- pentagon → const IconData
- pentagon
- penTool → const IconData
- pen-tool
- percent → const IconData
- percent
- personStanding → const IconData
- person-standing
- philippinePeso → const IconData
- philippine-peso
- phone → const IconData
- phone
- phoneCall → const IconData
- phone-call
- phoneForwarded → const IconData
- phone-forwarded
- phoneIncoming → const IconData
- phone-incoming
- phoneMissed → const IconData
- phone-missed
- phoneOff → const IconData
- phone-off
- phoneOutgoing → const IconData
- phone-outgoing
- pi → const IconData
- pi
- piano → const IconData
- piano
- pickaxe → const IconData
- pickaxe
- pictureInPicture → const IconData
- picture-in-picture
- pictureInPicture2 → const IconData
- picture-in-picture-2
- piggyBank → const IconData
- piggy-bank
- pilcrow → const IconData
- pilcrow
- pilcrowLeft → const IconData
- pilcrow-left
- pilcrowRight → const IconData
- pilcrow-right
- pill → const IconData
- pill
- pillBottle → const IconData
- pill-bottle
- pin → const IconData
- pin
- pinOff → const IconData
- pin-off
- pipette → const IconData
- pipette
- pizza → const IconData
- pizza
- plane → const IconData
- plane
- planeLanding → const IconData
- plane-landing
- planeTakeoff → const IconData
- plane-takeoff
- play → const IconData
- play
- plug → const IconData
- plug
- plug2 → const IconData
- plug-2
- plugZap → const IconData
- plug-zap
- plus → const IconData
- plus
- pocket → const IconData
- pocketKnife → const IconData
- pocket-knife
- podcast → const IconData
- podcast
- pointer → const IconData
- pointer
- pointerOff → const IconData
- pointer-off
- popcorn → const IconData
- popcorn
- popsicle → const IconData
- popsicle
- poundSterling → const IconData
- pound-sterling
- power → const IconData
- power
- powerOff → const IconData
- power-off
- presentation → const IconData
- presentation
- printer → const IconData
- printer
- printerCheck → const IconData
- printer-check
- projector → const IconData
- projector
- proportions → const IconData
- proportions
- puzzle → const IconData
- puzzle
- pyramid → const IconData
- pyramid
- qrCode → const IconData
- qr-code
- quote → const IconData
- quote
- rabbit → const IconData
- rabbit
- radar → const IconData
- radar
- radiation → const IconData
- radiation
- radical → const IconData
- radical
- radio → const IconData
- radio
- radioReceiver → const IconData
- radio-receiver
- radioTower → const IconData
- radio-tower
- radius → const IconData
- radius
- railSymbol → const IconData
- rail-symbol
- rainbow → const IconData
- rainbow
- rat → const IconData
- rat
- ratio → const IconData
- ratio
- receipt → const IconData
- receipt
- receiptCent → const IconData
- receipt-cent
- receiptEuro → const IconData
- receipt-euro
- receiptIndianRupee → const IconData
- receipt-indian-rupee
- receiptJapaneseYen → const IconData
- receipt-japanese-yen
- receiptPoundSterling → const IconData
- receipt-pound-sterling
- receiptRussianRuble → const IconData
- receipt-russian-ruble
- receiptSwissFranc → const IconData
- receipt-swiss-franc
- receiptText → const IconData
- receipt-text
- rectangleEllipsis → const IconData
- rectangle-ellipsis
- rectangleHorizontal → const IconData
- rectangle-horizontal
- rectangleVertical → const IconData
- rectangle-vertical
- recycle → const IconData
- recycle
- redo → const IconData
- redo
- redo2 → const IconData
- redo-2
- redoDot → const IconData
- redo-dot
- refreshCcw → const IconData
- refresh-ccw
- refreshCcwDot → const IconData
- refresh-ccw-dot
- refreshCw → const IconData
- refresh-cw
- refreshCwOff → const IconData
- refresh-cw-off
- refrigerator → const IconData
- refrigerator
- regex → const IconData
- regex
- removeFormatting → const IconData
- remove-formatting
- repeat → const IconData
- repeat
- repeat1 → const IconData
- repeat-1
- repeat2 → const IconData
- repeat-2
- replace → const IconData
- replace
- replaceAll → const IconData
- replace-all
- reply → const IconData
- reply
- replyAll → const IconData
- reply-all
- rewind → const IconData
- rewind
- ribbon → const IconData
- ribbon
- rocket → const IconData
- rocket
- rockingChair → const IconData
- rocking-chair
- rollerCoaster → const IconData
- roller-coaster
- rotate3d → const IconData
- rotate-3d
- rotateCcw → const IconData
- rotate-ccw
- rotateCcwSquare → const IconData
- rotate-ccw-square
- rotateCw → const IconData
- rotate-cw
- rotateCwSquare → const IconData
- rotate-cw-square
- route → const IconData
- route
- routeOff → const IconData
- route-off
- router → const IconData
- router
- rows2 → const IconData
- rows-2
- rows3 → const IconData
- rows-3
- rows4 → const IconData
- rows-4
- rss → const IconData
- rss
- ruler → const IconData
- ruler
- russianRuble → const IconData
- russian-ruble
- sailboat → const IconData
- sailboat
- salad → const IconData
- salad
- sandwich → const IconData
- sandwich
- satellite → const IconData
- satellite
- satelliteDish → const IconData
- satellite-dish
- save → const IconData
- save
- saveAll → const IconData
- save-all
- saveOff → const IconData
- save-off
- scale → const IconData
- scale
- scale3d → const IconData
- scale-3d
- scaling → const IconData
- scaling
- scan → const IconData
- scan
- scanBarcode → const IconData
- scan-barcode
- scanEye → const IconData
- scan-eye
- scanFace → const IconData
- scan-face
- scanHeart → const IconData
- scan-heart
- scanLine → const IconData
- scan-line
- scanQrCode → const IconData
- scan-qr-code
- scanSearch → const IconData
- scan-search
- scanText → const IconData
- scan-text
- school → const IconData
- school
- scissors → const IconData
- scissors
- scissorsLineDashed → const IconData
- scissors-line-dashed
- screen-share
- screen-share-off
- scroll → const IconData
- scroll
- scrollText → const IconData
- scroll-text
- search → const IconData
- search
- searchCheck → const IconData
- search-check
- searchCode → const IconData
- search-code
- searchSlash → const IconData
- search-slash
- searchX → const IconData
- search-x
- section → const IconData
- section
- send → const IconData
- send
- sendHorizontal → const IconData
- send-horizontal
- sendToBack → const IconData
- send-to-back
- separatorHorizontal → const IconData
- separator-horizontal
- separatorVertical → const IconData
- separator-vertical
- server → const IconData
- server
- serverCog → const IconData
- server-cog
- serverCrash → const IconData
- server-crash
- serverOff → const IconData
- server-off
- settings → const IconData
- settings
- settings2 → const IconData
- settings-2
- shapes → const IconData
- shapes
- share
- share-2
- sheet → const IconData
- sheet
- shell → const IconData
- shell
- shield → const IconData
- shield
- shieldAlert → const IconData
- shield-alert
- shieldBan → const IconData
- shield-ban
- shieldCheck → const IconData
- shield-check
- shieldEllipsis → const IconData
- shield-ellipsis
- shieldHalf → const IconData
- shield-half
- shieldMinus → const IconData
- shield-minus
- shieldOff → const IconData
- shield-off
- shieldPlus → const IconData
- shield-plus
- shieldQuestion → const IconData
- shield-question
- shieldX → const IconData
- shield-x
- ship → const IconData
- ship
- shipWheel → const IconData
- ship-wheel
- shirt → const IconData
- shirt
- shoppingBag → const IconData
- shopping-bag
- shoppingBasket → const IconData
- shopping-basket
- shoppingCart → const IconData
- shopping-cart
- shovel → const IconData
- shovel
- showerHead → const IconData
- shower-head
- shrink → const IconData
- shrink
- shrub → const IconData
- shrub
- shuffle → const IconData
- shuffle
- sigma → const IconData
- sigma
- signal → const IconData
- signal
- signalHigh → const IconData
- signal-high
- signalLow → const IconData
- signal-low
- signalMedium → const IconData
- signal-medium
- signalZero → const IconData
- signal-zero
- signature → const IconData
- signature
- signpost → const IconData
- signpost
- signpostBig → const IconData
- signpost-big
- siren → const IconData
- siren
- skipBack → const IconData
- skip-back
- skipForward → const IconData
- skip-forward
- skull → const IconData
- skull
- slack → const IconData
- slack
- slash → const IconData
- slash
- slice → const IconData
- slice
- slidersHorizontal → const IconData
- sliders-horizontal
- slidersVertical → const IconData
- sliders-vertical
- smartphone → const IconData
- smartphone
- smartphoneCharging → const IconData
- smartphone-charging
- smartphoneNfc → const IconData
- smartphone-nfc
- smile → const IconData
- smile
- smilePlus → const IconData
- smile-plus
- snail → const IconData
- snail
- snowflake → const IconData
- snowflake
- sofa → const IconData
- sofa
- soup → const IconData
- soup
- space → const IconData
- space
- spade → const IconData
- spade
- sparkle → const IconData
- sparkle
- sparkles → const IconData
- sparkles
- speaker → const IconData
- speaker
- speech → const IconData
- speech
- spellCheck → const IconData
- spell-check
- spellCheck2 → const IconData
- spell-check-2
- spline → const IconData
- spline
- split → const IconData
- split
- sprayCan → const IconData
- spray-can
- sprout → const IconData
- sprout
- square → const IconData
- square
- squareActivity → const IconData
- square-activity
- squareArrowDown → const IconData
- square-arrow-down
- squareArrowDownLeft → const IconData
- square-arrow-down-left
- squareArrowDownRight → const IconData
- square-arrow-down-right
- squareArrowLeft → const IconData
- square-arrow-left
- squareArrowOutDownLeft → const IconData
- square-arrow-out-down-left
- squareArrowOutDownRight → const IconData
- square-arrow-out-down-right
- squareArrowOutUpLeft → const IconData
- square-arrow-out-up-left
- squareArrowOutUpRight → const IconData
- square-arrow-out-up-right
- squareArrowRight → const IconData
- square-arrow-right
- squareArrowUp → const IconData
- square-arrow-up
- squareArrowUpLeft → const IconData
- square-arrow-up-left
- squareArrowUpRight → const IconData
- square-arrow-up-right
- squareAsterisk → const IconData
- square-asterisk
- squareBottomDashedScissors → const IconData
- square-bottom-dashed-scissors
- squareChartGantt → const IconData
- square-chart-gantt
- squareCheck → const IconData
- square-check
- squareCheckBig → const IconData
- square-check-big
- squareChevronDown → const IconData
- square-chevron-down
- squareChevronLeft → const IconData
- square-chevron-left
- squareChevronRight → const IconData
- square-chevron-right
- squareChevronUp → const IconData
- square-chevron-up
- squareCode → const IconData
- square-code
- squareDashed → const IconData
- square-dashed
- squareDashedBottom → const IconData
- square-dashed-bottom
- squareDashedBottomCode → const IconData
- square-dashed-bottom-code
- squareDashedKanban → const IconData
- square-dashed-kanban
- squareDashedMousePointer → const IconData
- square-dashed-mouse-pointer
- squareDivide → const IconData
- square-divide
- squareDot → const IconData
- square-dot
- squareEqual → const IconData
- square-equal
- squareFunction → const IconData
- square-function
- squareKanban → const IconData
- square-kanban
- squareLibrary → const IconData
- square-library
- squareM → const IconData
- square-m
- squareMenu → const IconData
- square-menu
- squareMinus → const IconData
- square-minus
- squareMousePointer → const IconData
- square-mouse-pointer
- squareParking → const IconData
- square-parking
- squareParkingOff → const IconData
- square-parking-off
- squarePen → const IconData
- square-pen
- squarePercent → const IconData
- square-percent
- squarePi → const IconData
- square-pi
- squarePilcrow → const IconData
- square-pilcrow
- squarePlay → const IconData
- square-play
- squarePlus → const IconData
- square-plus
- squarePower → const IconData
- square-power
- squareRadical → const IconData
- square-radical
- squareScissors → const IconData
- square-scissors
- squareSigma → const IconData
- square-sigma
- squareSlash → const IconData
- square-slash
- squareSplitHorizontal → const IconData
- square-split-horizontal
- squareSplitVertical → const IconData
- square-split-vertical
- squareSquare → const IconData
- square-square
- squareStack → const IconData
- square-stack
- squareTerminal → const IconData
- square-terminal
- squareUser → const IconData
- square-user
- squareUserRound → const IconData
- square-user-round
- squareX → const IconData
- square-x
- squircle → const IconData
- squircle
- squirrel → const IconData
- squirrel
- stamp → const IconData
- stamp
- star → const IconData
- star
- starHalf → const IconData
- star-half
- starOff → const IconData
- star-off
- stepBack → const IconData
- step-back
- stepForward → const IconData
- step-forward
- stethoscope → const IconData
- stethoscope
- sticker → const IconData
- sticker
- stickyNote → const IconData
- sticky-note
- store → const IconData
- store
- stretchHorizontal → const IconData
- stretch-horizontal
- stretchVertical → const IconData
- stretch-vertical
- strikethrough → const IconData
- strikethrough
- subscript → const IconData
- subscript
- sun → const IconData
- sun
- sunDim → const IconData
- sun-dim
- sunMedium → const IconData
- sun-medium
- sunMoon → const IconData
- sun-moon
- sunrise → const IconData
- sunrise
- sunset → const IconData
- sunset
- sunSnow → const IconData
- sun-snow
- superscript → const IconData
- superscript
- swatchBook → const IconData
- swatch-book
- swissFranc → const IconData
- swiss-franc
- switchCamera → const IconData
- switch-camera
- sword → const IconData
- sword
- swords → const IconData
- swords
- syringe → const IconData
- syringe
- table → const IconData
- table
- table2 → const IconData
- table-2
- tableCellsMerge → const IconData
- table-cells-merge
- tableCellsSplit → const IconData
- table-cells-split
- tableColumnsSplit → const IconData
- table-columns-split
- tableOfContents → const IconData
- table-of-contents
- tableProperties → const IconData
- table-properties
- tableRowsSplit → const IconData
- table-rows-split
- tablet → const IconData
- tablet
- tablets → const IconData
- tablets
- tabletSmartphone → const IconData
- tablet-smartphone
- tag → const IconData
- tag
- tags
- tally1 → const IconData
- tally-1
- tally2 → const IconData
- tally-2
- tally3 → const IconData
- tally-3
- tally4 → const IconData
- tally-4
- tally5 → const IconData
- tally-5
- tangent → const IconData
- tangent
- target → const IconData
- target
- telescope → const IconData
- telescope
- tent → const IconData
- tent
- tentTree → const IconData
- tent-tree
- terminal → const IconData
- terminal
- testTube → const IconData
- test-tube
- testTubeDiagonal → const IconData
- test-tube-diagonal
- testTubes → const IconData
- test-tubes
- text → const IconData
- text
- textCursor → const IconData
- text-cursor
- textCursorInput → const IconData
- text-cursor-input
- textQuote → const IconData
- text-quote
- textSearch → const IconData
- text-search
- textSelect → const IconData
- text-select
- theater → const IconData
- theater
- thermometer → const IconData
- thermometer
- thermometerSnowflake → const IconData
- thermometer-snowflake
- thermometerSun → const IconData
- thermometer-sun
- thumbsDown → const IconData
- thumbs-down
- thumbsUp → const IconData
- thumbs-up
- ticket → const IconData
- ticket
- ticketCheck → const IconData
- ticket-check
- ticketMinus → const IconData
- ticket-minus
- ticketPercent → const IconData
- ticket-percent
- ticketPlus → const IconData
- ticket-plus
- tickets → const IconData
- tickets
- ticketSlash → const IconData
- ticket-slash
- ticketsPlane → const IconData
- tickets-plane
- ticketX → const IconData
- ticket-x
- timer → const IconData
- timer
- timerOff → const IconData
- timer-off
- timerReset → const IconData
- timer-reset
- toggleLeft → const IconData
- toggle-left
- toggleRight → const IconData
- toggle-right
- toilet → const IconData
- toilet
- tornado → const IconData
- tornado
- torus → const IconData
- torus
- touchpad → const IconData
- touchpad
- touchpadOff → const IconData
- touchpad-off
- towerControl → const IconData
- tower-control
- toyBrick → const IconData
- toy-brick
- tractor → const IconData
- tractor
- trafficCone → const IconData
- traffic-cone
- trainFront → const IconData
- train-front
- trainFrontTunnel → const IconData
- train-front-tunnel
- trainTrack → const IconData
- train-track
- tramFront → const IconData
- tram-front
- trash → const IconData
- trash
- trash2 → const IconData
- trash-2
- treeDeciduous → const IconData
- tree-deciduous
- treePalm → const IconData
- tree-palm
- treePine → const IconData
- tree-pine
- trees → const IconData
- trees
- trello → const IconData
- trello
- trendingDown → const IconData
- trending-down
- trendingUp → const IconData
- trending-up
- trendingUpDown → const IconData
- trending-up-down
- triangle → const IconData
- triangle
- triangleAlert → const IconData
- triangle-alert
- triangleDashed → const IconData
- triangle-dashed
- triangleRight → const IconData
- triangle-right
- trophy → const IconData
- trophy
- truck → const IconData
- truck
- turtle → const IconData
- turtle
- tv → const IconData
- tv
- tvMinimal → const IconData
- tv-minimal
- tvMinimalPlay → const IconData
- tv-minimal-play
- twitch → const IconData
- twitch
- twitter → const IconData
- type → const IconData
- type
- typeOutline → const IconData
- type-outline
- umbrella → const IconData
- umbrella
- umbrellaOff → const IconData
- umbrella-off
- underline → const IconData
- underline
- undo → const IconData
- undo
- undo2 → const IconData
- undo-2
- undoDot → const IconData
- undo-dot
- unfoldHorizontal → const IconData
- unfold-horizontal
- unfoldVertical → const IconData
- unfold-vertical
- ungroup → const IconData
- ungroup
- university → const IconData
- university
- unlink → const IconData
- unlink
- unlink2 → const IconData
- unlink-2
- unplug → const IconData
- unplug
- upload → const IconData
- upload
- usb → const IconData
- usb
- user → const IconData
- user
- userCheck → const IconData
- user-check
- userCog → const IconData
- user-cog
- userMinus → const IconData
- user-minus
- userPen → const IconData
- user-pen
- userPlus → const IconData
- user-plus
- userRound → const IconData
- user-round
- userRoundCheck → const IconData
- user-round-check
- userRoundCog → const IconData
- user-round-cog
- userRoundMinus → const IconData
- user-round-minus
- userRoundPen → const IconData
- user-round-pen
- userRoundPlus → const IconData
- user-round-plus
- userRoundSearch → const IconData
- user-round-search
- userRoundX → const IconData
- user-round-x
- users → const IconData
- users
- userSearch → const IconData
- user-search
- usersRound → const IconData
- users-round
- userX → const IconData
- user-x
- utensils → const IconData
- utensils
- utensilsCrossed → const IconData
- utensils-crossed
- utilityPole → const IconData
- utility-pole
- variable → const IconData
- variable
- vault → const IconData
- vault
- vegan → const IconData
- vegan
- venetianMask → const IconData
- venetian-mask
- vibrate → const IconData
- vibrate
- vibrateOff → const IconData
- vibrate-off
- video → const IconData
- video
- videoOff → const IconData
- video-off
- videotape → const IconData
- videotape
- view → const IconData
- view
- voicemail → const IconData
- voicemail
- volleyball → const IconData
- volleyball
- volume → const IconData
- volume
- volume1 → const IconData
- volume-1
- volume2 → const IconData
- volume-2
- volumeOff → const IconData
- volume-off
- volumeX → const IconData
- volume-x
- vote → const IconData
- vote
- wallet → const IconData
- wallet
- walletCards → const IconData
- wallet-cards
- walletMinimal → const IconData
- wallet-minimal
- wallpaper → const IconData
- wallpaper
- wand → const IconData
- wand
- wandSparkles → const IconData
- wand-sparkles
- warehouse → const IconData
- warehouse
- washingMachine → const IconData
- washing-machine
- watch → const IconData
- watch
- waves → const IconData
- waves
- wavesLadder → const IconData
- waves-ladder
- waypoints → const IconData
- waypoints
- webcam → const IconData
- webcam
- webhook → const IconData
- webhook
- webhookOff → const IconData
- webhook-off
- weight → const IconData
- weight
- wheat → const IconData
- wheat
- wheatOff → const IconData
- wheat-off
- wholeWord → const IconData
- whole-word
- wifi → const IconData
- wifi
- wifiHigh → const IconData
- wifi-high
- wifiLow → const IconData
- wifi-low
- wifiOff → const IconData
- wifi-off
- wifiZero → const IconData
- wifi-zero
- wind → const IconData
- wind
- windArrowDown → const IconData
- wind-arrow-down
- wine → const IconData
- wine
- wineOff → const IconData
- wine-off
- workflow → const IconData
- workflow
- worm → const IconData
- worm
- wrapText → const IconData
- wrap-text
- wrench → const IconData
- wrench
- x → const IconData
- x
- youtube → const IconData
- youtube
- zap → const IconData
- zap
- zapOff → const IconData
- zap-off
- zoomIn → const IconData
- zoom-in
- zoomOut → const IconData
- zoom-out