parse method

int parse(
  1. List<int> sym,
  2. int index


int parse(List<int> sym, int index) {
  // assert(sym.length == prs.getMaxLa());

  // First, we save the current length of the action tuple, in
  // case an error is encountered and we need to restore the
  // original configuration.
  // Next, we declara and initialize the variable pos which will
  // be used to indicate the highest useful position in stateStack
  // as we are simulating the actions induced by the next k input
  // terminals in sym.
  // The location stack will be used here as a temporary stack
  // to simulate these actions. We initialize its first useful
  // offset here.
  var save_action_length = action!.size(),
      pos = stateStackTop,
      location_top = stateStackTop - 1;

  // When a reduce action is encountered, we compute all REDUCE
  // and associated goto actions induced by the current token.
  // Eventually, a SHIFT, SHIFT-REDUCE, ACCEPT or ERROR action is
  // computed...
  for (currentAction = tAction(stateStack[stateStackTop], sym, index);
      currentAction <= NUM_RULES;
      currentAction = tAction(currentAction, sym, index)) {
    do {
      location_top -= (prs.rhs(currentAction) - 1);
      var state = (location_top > pos
          ? locationStack[location_top]
          : stateStack[location_top]);
      currentAction = prs.ntAction(state, prs.lhs(currentAction));
    } while (currentAction <= NUM_RULES);

    // ... Update the maximum useful position of the
    // stateSTACK, push goto state into stack, and
    // continue by compute next action on current symbol
    // and reentering the loop...
    pos = pos < location_top ? pos : location_top;
    try {
      locationStack[location_top + 1] = currentAction;
    } on RangeError {
      locationStack[location_top + 1] = currentAction;

  // At this point, we have a shift, shift-reduce, accept or error
  // action. stateSTACK contains the configuration of the state stack
  // prior to executing any action on the currenttoken. locationStack
  // contains the configuration of the state stack after executing all
  // reduce actions induced by the current token. The variable pos
  // indicates the highest position in the stateSTACK that is still
  // useful after the reductions are executed.
  if (currentAction > ERROR_ACTION || // SHIFT-REDUCE action ?
      currentAction < ACCEPT_ACTION) // SHIFT action ?
    // If no error was detected, update the state stack with
    // the info that was temporarily computed in the locationStack.
    stateStackTop = location_top + 1;
    for (var i = pos + 1; i <= stateStackTop; i++) {
      stateStack[i] = locationStack[i];

    // If we have a shift-reduce, process it as well as
    // the goto-reduce actions that follow it.
    if (currentAction > ERROR_ACTION) {
      currentAction -= ERROR_ACTION;
      do {
        stateStackTop -= (prs.rhs(currentAction) - 1);
        currentAction =
            prs.ntAction(stateStack[stateStackTop], prs.lhs(currentAction));
      } while (currentAction <= NUM_RULES);

    // Process the  transition - either a shift action of
    // if we started out with a shift-reduce, the  GOTO
    // action that follows it.
    try {
      stateStack[++stateStackTop] = currentAction;
    } on RangeError {
      stateStack[stateStackTop] = currentAction;
  } else if (currentAction == ERROR_ACTION) {
  } // restore original action state.
  return currentAction;