BaseProperties class

The Lowder's Property preset. It's a singleton class so it can be used as an utility class.

Mixed-in types



builders Map<String, Function>
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
schema Map<String, EditorNodeBase>
no setterinherited


formatValue(dynamic value, Map? spec) String
getAlignment(String? value) Alignment?
getAppBarLeadingWidget(String? value) Widget?
getAxis(String? value) Axis?
getBorder(Map? spec) Border?
getBorderRadius(dynamic value) BorderRadius?
getBorderSide(Map? spec) BorderSide?
getBoxConstraints(Map? spec) BoxConstraints?
getBoxDecoration(Map? spec) Decoration?
getBoxFit(String? value) BoxFit?
getBoxShadow(Map? spec) BoxShadow?
getBoxShape(String? value) BoxShape?
getButtonStyle(Map? spec) ButtonStyle?
getCollapseMode(String? value) CollapseMode?
getContextMenuBuilder(Map? spec) EditableTextContextMenuBuilder?
getCrossAxisAlignment(String? value) CrossAxisAlignment
getCurve(String? value) Curve?
getFloatingActionButtonLocation(String? value) FloatingActionButtonLocation?
getFloatingLabelBehavior(String? value) FloatingLabelBehavior?
getFontStyle(String? value) FontStyle?
getFontWeight(String? value) FontWeight?
getGradient(Map? spec) Gradient?
getIconThemeData(Map? spec) IconThemeData?
getImageProvider(dynamic value, Map? spec) ImageProvider<Object>?
getInputBorder(Map? spec) InputBorder?
getInputDecoration(dynamic widgets, Map? spec) InputDecoration?
getInsets(dynamic value) EdgeInsets?
getKeyboardDismissBehavior(String? value) ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior?
getLoadingIndicator(Map? spec) Widget?
getMainAxisAlignment(String? value) MainAxisAlignment
getMainAxisSize(String? value) MainAxisSize
getMaterialType(String? type) MaterialType?
getNavigationRailLabelType(String? value) NavigationRailLabelType?
getNotchedShape(Map? spec) NotchedShape?
getOffset(dynamic value) Offset?
getRouteTransitionsBuilder(String? value) RouteTransitionsBuilder?
getSchema() Map<String, dynamic>
getShadow(Map? spec) Shadow?
getShapeBorder(Map? spec) OutlinedBorder?
getSize(Map? spec) Size?
getStretchMode(String? value) StretchMode?
getTabBarIndicatorSize(String? value) TabBarIndicatorSize?
getTabController(dynamic child, Map? spec) Widget?
getTableBorder(Map? spec) TableBorder?
getTableCellVerticalAlignment(String? value) TableCellVerticalAlignment?
getTextAlign(String? align) TextAlign
getTextAlignVertical(String? align) TextAlignVertical?
getTextBaseline(String? value) TextBaseline?
getTextCapitalization(String? value) TextCapitalization
getTextDecoration(String? value) TextDecoration?
getTextInputAction(String? value) TextInputAction?
getTextInputFormatters(Map? spec) List<TextInputFormatter>?
getTextInputType(String? inputType) TextInputType
getTextOverflow(String? overflow) TextOverflow?
getTextStyle(Map? spec) TextStyle?
getVerticalDirection(String? value) VerticalDirection
getWrapAlignment(String? value) WrapAlignment
getWrapCrossAlignment(String? value) WrapCrossAlignment
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerAbstractType(String name, Map<String, EditorPropertyType> properties) → void
Method for registering a property without a resolver.
registerListType(String name, ValueBuildFunction func, List<String> values) → void
Method for registering a property that has any value from a list of possible values, with the same resolver. On the Editor, it will be shown as a dropdown element. eg: Alignment
registerProperties() → void
Abstract method to register an IProperties' properties schema and resolver.
registerSpecSubType(String baseType, String name, SpecBuildFunction func, Map<String, EditorPropertyType> properties) → void
Method for registering a subtype of an existing property with its own resolver.
registerSpecType(String name, SpecBuildFunction func, Map<String, EditorPropertyType> properties, {Map<String, Map<String, EditorPropertyType>>? subTypes}) → void
Method for registering a property which itself has properties. eg: BoxDecoration, TextStyle
registerValueSpecSubType(String baseType, String name, ValueSpecBuildFunction func, Map<String, EditorPropertyType> properties) → void
Method for registering a subtype of an existing property with its own resolver.
registerValueSpecType(String name, ValueSpecBuildFunction func, Map<String, EditorPropertyType> properties, {Map<String, Map<String, EditorPropertyType>>? subTypes}) → void
Method for registering an object property, whose resolver requires a value for its execution. eg: ImageProvider needs the path or url.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.