network static method

LottieBuilder network(
  1. String url, {
  2. Animation<double>? controller,
  3. FrameRate? frameRate,
  4. bool? animate,
  5. bool? repeat,
  6. bool? reverse,
  7. LottieDelegates? delegates,
  8. LottieOptions? options,
  9. LottieImageProviderFactory? imageProviderFactory,
  10. void onLoaded(
    1. LottieComposition
  11. Key? key,
  12. LottieFrameBuilder? frameBuilder,
  13. ImageErrorWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
  14. double? width,
  15. double? height,
  16. BoxFit? fit,
  17. AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
  18. bool? addRepaintBoundary,
  19. FilterQuality? filterQuality,
  20. WarningCallback? onWarning,

Creates a widget that displays an LottieComposition obtained from the network.


static LottieBuilder network(
  String url, {
  Animation<double>? controller,
  FrameRate? frameRate,
  bool? animate,
  bool? repeat,
  bool? reverse,
  LottieDelegates? delegates,
  LottieOptions? options,
  LottieImageProviderFactory? imageProviderFactory,
  void Function(LottieComposition)? onLoaded,
  Key? key,
  LottieFrameBuilder? frameBuilder,
  ImageErrorWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
  double? width,
  double? height,
  BoxFit? fit,
  AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
  bool? addRepaintBoundary,
  FilterQuality? filterQuality,
  WarningCallback? onWarning,
}) =>
      controller: controller,
      frameRate: frameRate,
      animate: animate,
      repeat: repeat,
      reverse: reverse,
      delegates: delegates,
      options: options,
      imageProviderFactory: imageProviderFactory,
      onLoaded: onLoaded,
      key: key,
      frameBuilder: frameBuilder,
      errorBuilder: errorBuilder,
      width: width,
      height: height,
      fit: fit,
      alignment: alignment,
      addRepaintBoundary: addRepaintBoundary,
      filterQuality: filterQuality,
      onWarning: onWarning,