
A package for finding

Hecho en 🇵🇷 por Radamés J. Valentín Reyes

Import the library/package

import 'package:lost/lost.dart';

Searching a string

returns true if an instance of the query is found.

String myString = "Mi perrito ladra";
String query = "mi";

Search but with the optional parameter ignoreDiacritics = true

String myString = "Yo como mucho ñame";
String query = "na";

Amount of instances

returns an integer representing the amount of instances of the query found on the String

String myString = "Mi perrito ladra";
String query = "Perri mi la";

amount of instances but with the optional parameter ignoreDiacritics = true

String myString = "Yo como mucho ñame. Existe un pais que se llama Haití";
String query = "na í";
print(myString.instancesOf(query, true));

Technical details

  • Queries are assumed to be separated by a space, this library may not work with languages like Japanese which don't use spaces unless you separate each character using a space or run the function recursively sending each character of the query as search parameter.

