initEncrypter method

Future<Encrypter?> initEncrypter()

Initializes the encrypter used for encrypting files. This needs to be done on the main isolate as opposed to the worker since it requires access to plugins that are not easily available in the worker isolate context.


Future<Encrypter?> initEncrypter() async {
  const storage = FlutterSecureStorage();
  final base64Key = await _secureStorageKey);
  Key key;

  if (base64Key != null) {
    key = Key.fromBase64(base64Key);
  } else {
    key = Key.fromSecureRandom(32);
    await storage.write(key: _secureStorageKey, value: key.base64);

  return Encrypter(AES(key, mode: AESMode.cbc));