hydrate method


hydrate() async {
  await isInitialized;

  final files = await _readDataStoreFiles();
  final fileDataStores =
      files.map((file) => parseFileDataStore(file: file)).toList();

  await Future.wait(
    fileDataStores.map((dataStore) => dataStore.hydrate()),

  for (final fileDataStore in fileDataStores) {
    final documentIds = fileDataStore.data.keys.toList();

    for (final documentId in documentIds) {
      final indexId = _getIndexId(fileDataStore.collection, documentId);
      _documentFileDataStoreIndex[indexId] = fileDataStore;

  _fileDataStoreIndex = fileDataStores.fold({}, (acc, store) {
    return {
      store.filename: store,

  return fileDataStores.fold<SerializedCollectionStore>(
    (acc, fileDataStore) {
      final existingCollectionData = acc[fileDataStore.collection];
      final fileDataStoreCollectionData = fileDataStore.data;

      // Multiple data stores map to the same collection across different shards
      // and they should all aggregate their data into a single collection store.
      if (existingCollectionData != null) {
        return {
          fileDataStore.collection: {
      return {
        fileDataStore.collection: fileDataStoreCollectionData,