
This library contains types that allow for executing code in a spawned isolate, perhaps with additional imports.

Subclass Executable and override its execute method. Invoke Loner.executeWithType, passing in that subclass. The code in execute will run in another isolate. Any value it returns will be returned by Loner.executeWithType.

A returned value must be a primitive type (anything that is encodable as JSON). You may pass parameters to the other isolate by providing a message map.


class Echo extends Executable {
  Echo(Map<String, dynamic> message)
      : echoMessage = message['echo'],

  final String echoMessage;

  Future<dynamic> execute() async {
    return echoMessage;

Future main() async {
    final result = await Loner.executeWithType(Echo, message: {'echo': 'hello'});
    assert(result == 'hello');


Executes closures on isolates.