StringCase extension



toCamelCase String
Converts string to camel case. Example: "hello_world" -> "helloWorld"
no setter
toCapitalize String
Converts the first character of string to upper case and the remaining to lower case. Example: "helloWorld" -> "HelloWorld"
no setter
toKebabCase String
Converts string to kebab case. Example: "helloWorld" -> "hello-world"
no setter
toLowerFirst String
Converts the first character of string to upper case and the remaining to lower case Example: "helloWorld" -> "HelloWorld"
no setter
toSnakeCase String
Converts string to snake case. Example: "helloWorld" -> "hello_world"
no setter
toStartCase String
Converts string to start case. Example: "helloWorld" -> "HelloWorld"
no setter
toUpperFirst String
Converts string to upper case. Example: "helloWorld" -> "HELLO_WORLD"
no setter


startsWith(String target, [dynamic position = 0]) bool
Checks if string starts with the given target string. Example: "helloWorld" -> "hello" -> true