trace method

void trace(
  1. String message, {
  2. bool addToCrashReports = true,
  3. String? location,
  4. String? tag,

Logs a trace message with LogLevel.trace default as debugPrint.

Also tries to send the log to your CrashReportsInterface implementation should you have configured one with the Loglytics.setUp method.


void trace(
  String message, {
  bool addToCrashReports = true,
  String? location,
  String? tag,
}) {
  const logLevel = LogLevel.trace;
  if (level.skipLog(logLevel)) return;
    message: message,
    logLevel: logLevel,
    addToCrashReports: addToCrashReports,
    location: location,
    tag: tag,