en top-level property
Map<String, String> en = {
"new_user": 'New User',
"name": "Name",
"name_withNakedName": 'Name and Surname',
"phone": 'Phone Number',
"from_8_char": "It consists of 8 digits",
"Register": "Sign Up",
"login": "Login",
"old_user": 'Existing user',
"resend": "Resend",
"in": "In",
"second": "second",
"identy_confirm": 'Identity confirmation',
"enter_num_sent_to_phone": 'Enter the verification code sent to your phone number',
"dont_reacive": 'Didn\'t receive the verification code?',
"confirm": "Confirm",
"have_account": "Have Account?",
"no_have_account": "don't Have Account?",
"verify_account": "Verificar Cuenta",
"four_digits_code_are_send_to": "Se envía un código de cuatro dígitos a",
"enter_code": "Ingrese el Código para verificar su cuenta.",
"resend_code": "Reenviar codigo",
"verify": "Verificar",
"send": 'Send',
"change_mobile": "Change phone number",
"delete_account": "Delete Account",