Logger Color Package

A simple and efficient logger package for Flutter that prints console messages with color-coded output based on the type of log.


  • Log messages with different types: error, success, info, warning, and debugPrint.
  • Color-coded output for better log readability in the console.
  • Easy to use and integrate into your Flutter projects.


  1. Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and rundart pub get):
  logger_box: ^0.0.1
  1. Import the package and use it in your Flutter App.
import 'package:logger_box/logger_box.dart';

void main() {
  Logger.log('This is an error message.', type: LogType.error);    // Red
  Logger.log('Operation was successful.', type: LogType.success); // Green
  Logger.log('General information here.', type: LogType.info);    // White
  Logger.log('This is a warning!', type: LogType.warning);        // Yellow
  Logger.log('Debugging message.', type: LogType.debugPrint);     // Yellow

