
log_me is a simple logger utility with configurable colors and log levels out of the box, using simple print under the hood.

Note, that your console must support ANSI escape codes for colors to be visible.


Getting started

  1. Add the package to your dependencies:
  log_me: ^0.1.0


    git: https://github.com/lapuske/log_me.git
  1. Import the package and use it:
import 'package:log_me/log_me.dart';

void main() {
  Log.print('Hello, world!');


import 'package:log_me/log_me.dart' as me;

void main() {
  me.Log.print('Hello, world!');


Detailed example is provided within /example directory.

import 'package:log_me/log_me.dart';

void main() {
  // Optional configuration.
  Log.options = LogOptions(level: LogLevel.all);

  // Prints the provided message at info level.
  Log.info('Hello, world!');

  // Prints the provided message as the error.
  Log.error('Error happened, sadly...');

  // Prints the provided message at debug level.
  // `toString()` is invoked on every object, so you can pass anything there.
  Log.debug([0, 1, 2]);

File output

As of now, outputting to a file is possible by using the LogOptions.output argument, for example, like this:

Log.options = LogOptions(
  output: (record, options) {
    // File to log records to.
    final File file = File('log.txt');

    // Appends the [file] with [LogRecord.format]ted record.
      // Note, that you may use the different [LogOptions] here in order, for
      // example, to see different outputs in the console and in the file.
      // Just remember, that ANSI escape codes won't render the colors, it's
      // mostly a console only feature, so be sure to use [LogColors.none].
      // Notice, that EVERY record calls this function, so you must check the
      // [LogLevel]s by yourself, whether you want this record to be written
      // to a file, or not.
      '${record.format(options.copyWith(colors: LogColors.none))}\n',
      mode: FileMode.append,

    // Invokes the default output (simply a [print] invoke, if record's level
    // is higher or equal to the [LogOptions.level] set).
    LogOptions.defaultOutput(record, options);


Supported colors

  • White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Cyan

Log levels

  • All
  • Fatal
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Debug
  • Trace

Logger options

/// Indicator whether date of the records should be logged.
/// Example:
/// * `2023-09-30`
final bool dateStamp;

/// Indicator whether time of the records should be logged.
/// Example:
/// * `06:53:45.000030`
final bool timeStamp;

/// Indicator whether [LogLevel] of the records should be logged.
/// Example:
/// * `INFO`
/// * `SEVERE`
final bool levelStamp;

/// Indicator whether date and/or time should be in UTC.
/// Only meaningful, if [dateStamp] or [timeStamp] is `true`.
final bool utc;

/// Minimum [LogLevel] to log.
final LogLevel level;

/// [LogColors] of the logs.
final LogColors colors;

/// Callback, called when a new [LogRecord] is retrieved.
/// If not specified, then logger uses the [defaultOutput].
/// Note, that you may invoke the [defaultOutput] in this callback:
/// ```dart
/// output: (record, options) {
///   final File file = File('log.txt');
///   file.writeAsStringSync(
///     '${record.format(options.copyWith(colors: LogColors.none))}\n',
///     mode: FileMode.append,
///   );
///   LogOptions.defaultOutput(record, options);
/// }
/// ```
final void Function(LogRecord record, LogOptions options) output;


  • Sentry integration.


Colorful logger utility.