lodart library

Lodart is a Dart utility library like lodash.

The goal of lodart is NOT to implement all methods in lodash because of the difference between Dart and JavaScript. Lodart aims to implement utilities to make Dart easier to use and keep similar naming styles to lodash.


Chunk on Iterable<E>
Copying on List<E>
This extension provided some copying methods for creating new List.
DropNull on Iterable<E?>
GroupBy on Iterable<E>
InRange on T
Max on Iterable<E>
This extension provides 2 methods to find the max element in the iterable.
Min on Iterable<E>
This extension provides 2 methods to find the min element in the iterable.
Splice on List<E>
Unique on Iterable<E>
This extension provides 2 methods to create a new list without duplicate elements.