orderedByText method
This function return the List<LocalizedRichTextKey> ordered by the text
to localize.
The keys
have to be translated in the same order like they are declared in the text
to localize
List<LocalizedRichTextKey> orderedByText(List<String> textSplitted) {
try {
final _keys = map((i) => i.key).toList();
final List<LocalizedRichTextKey> _listToReturn = [];
if (textSplitted.isNotEmpty) {
for (final _key in _keys) {
String keyFounded = '';
for (final _ in textSplitted) {
keyFounded += _;
if (keyFounded.contains(_key)) {
final keyToAdd = firstWhere((element) => element.key == _key);
if (!_listToReturn.contains(keyToAdd)) {
return _listToReturn;
return this;
} catch (e) {
return this;