encodePayload static method

String encodePayload(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> data, {
  2. required Nonce nonce,
  3. ChaCha20? chaCha20,
  4. bool compressed = true,

Encodes the payload with a given nonce and key. Compresses the content if a key is present before encryption.


static String encodePayload(Map<String, dynamic> data,
    {required Nonce nonce, ChaCha20? chaCha20, bool compressed = true}) {
  if (chaCha20 == null) compressed = false;
  String output = jsonEncode(data);
  if (!compressed && chaCha20 == null) return output;
  if (compressed) {
    ZLibEncoder zlibE = ZLibEncoder(level: 9);
    output = base64Encode(

  if (chaCha20 != null) {
    return chaCha20.encrypt(output, nonce);
  } else {
    return output;