connect method

void connect(
  1. Supervisor supervisor, {
  2. OnSecureChannelFailed? onSecureChannelFailed,

The supervisor will ensure connection to the topic auth


void connect(Supervisor supervisor, {OnSecureChannelFailed? onSecureChannelFailed}) {
  supervisor.listen(getTopic(), (phoenixChannel) {
    this.phoenixChannel = phoenixChannel;
    phoenixChannel.messages.listen((event) async {
      if ( event.isReply == true && event.payload != null ) {
        if ( event.payload!.containsKey('response') ) {
          dynamic response = event.payload!['response'];
          if ( response.runtimeType == List ) {
            // Topic List Answer
            List<dynamic> data = event.payload!['response'];
            for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
          } else {
            if ( response.containsKey('error') ) {
              print("IT IS A error WITH RESPONSE ${response['error']}");
      } else {
    for(int i = 0; i < waitingTopicAuths.length; i++) {
      WaitingTopicAuth waitingTopicAuth = waitingTopicAuths[i];
      secureChannel(channel:, secret: waitingTopicAuth.secret, metadata: waitingTopicAuth.metadata);
  }, messagingTopic: false);