emoji property

String emoji

Return Unicode character with flag or languageCode.

Search by country code first, then by languageToCountry map, if not found return languageCode

Note: flag may look different for different platforms!.

Note 2: svg images in this package is simplified to look good at small size, these emoji may not.


String get emoji {
  // Emoji for country
  if (countryCode?.length == 2) {
    return String.fromCharCodes([
      countryCode!.codeUnitAt(0) + emojiOffset,
      countryCode!.codeUnitAt(1) + emojiOffset

  // get country's code from languageToCountry
  final str = languageCode.toLowerCase();
  if (languageToCountry.containsKey(str)) {
    final value = languageToCountry[str];
    if (value != null && value.length > 1) {
      final cc = (value[0] as String).toUpperCase().codeUnits;
      // todo: check range!
      return String.fromCharCodes([cc[0] + emojiOffset, cc[1] + emojiOffset]);

  return countryCode ?? languageCode;