DeviceImage constructor

const DeviceImage(
  1. LocalImage localImage, {
  2. double scale = 1.0,
  3. int minPixels = 0,
  4. int? compression,

Creates an object that decodes a LocalImage as an image.

The arguments must not be null. scale returns a scaled down version of the image. For example to load a thumbnail you could use something like .1 as the scale. There's a convenience method on LocalImage that can calculate the scale for a given pixel size. minPixels can be used to specify a minimum independent of the requested scale. The idea is that scaling an image that you don't know the original size of can result in some results that are too small. If the goal is to display the image in a 50x50 thumbnail then you might want to set 50 as the minPixels, then regardless of the image size and scale you'll get at least 50 pixels in each dimension. This parameter was added as a result of a strange result in iOS where an image with a portrait aspect ratio was failing to load when scaled below 120 pixels. Setting 150 as the minimum in this case resolved the problem.


const DeviceImage(this.localImage,
    {this.scale = 1.0, this.minPixels = 0, this.compression});