Loading Animation Widget

instagram: watery_desert twitter: watery_desert dribbble: watery_desert youtube: watery_desert

How to use

Add loading_animation_widget: to your pubspec.yaml dependencies then run flutter pub get


Then import the package to use

import 'package:loading_animation_widget/loading_animation_widget.dart';

All loading animation APIs are same straight forward. There is a static method for each animation inside LoadingAnimationWidget class, which returns the Object of that animation. Both size and color are required some animations need more than one color. The optional time parameter is in int and it's in milliseconds. The default time is most suitable time but you can still change it.

Loading animation with one color

    body: Center(
      child: LoadingAnimationWidget.staggeredDotWave(
        color: Colors.white,
        size: 200,

Loading animation with more than one color. You have to provide both required colors.

    body: Center(
        child: LoadingAnimationWidget.twistingDots(
          leftDotColor: const Color(0xFF1A1A3F),
          rightDotColor: const Color(0xFFEA3799),
          size: 200,

Design credits with screen recordings

1. wavingDots
2. inkDrop
3. twistingDots
4. threeRotatingDots
5. staggeredDotWave
6. fourRotatingDots
7. fallingDot
8. progressiveDots
9. discreteCircular
10. threeArchedCircle
11. bouncingBall
12. flickr
13. hexagonDots
14. beat
15. twoRotatingArc
16. threeHorizontalDots
17. newtonCradle
18. stretchedDots
19. halfTringleDot
20. dotTrangle

All package list

Sliding Clipped Nav Bar

Water Drop Nav Bar

Swipeable Tile

Loading Animation Widget