mdb_env_copyfd function
@brief Copy an LMDB environment to the specified file descriptor.
This function may be used to make a backup of an existing environment.
No lockfile is created, since it gets recreated at need.
@note This call can trigger significant file size growth if run in
parallel with write transactions, because it employs a read-only
transaction. See long-lived transactions under @ref caveats_sec.
env An environment handle returned by #mdb_env_create(). It
must have already been opened successfully.
fd The filedescriptor to write the copy to. It must
have already been opened for Write access.
@return A non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
@ffi.FfiNative<ffi.Int Function(ffi.Pointer<MDB_env>, mdb_filehandle_t)>(
external int mdb_env_copyfd(
ffi.Pointer<MDB_env> env,
int fd,